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OOC QC Extra Classy rule
  • Really? Every time I visited the QC sub it seemed like they were finding something to get angry about and always bitching about the comic going down in quality.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • The PlayStation store is also a miserable shopping experience. If you don't know what game you want or just want to browse, good fucking luck finding it there. No screenshots, no gameplay, no user reviews, no related games to compare to, no info about if your friends are wishlisting or playing it. Just a choice of buying the expensive version or the more expensive version, and good luck figuring out which DLC is already included in the deluxe editions.

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    This Windows 11 Start menu change is now coming to Windows 10
  • If you have the port and money for it, I'd recommend a separate drive for the second OS. Windows is kinda notorious for stomping over GRUB if you rely on partitions for your dual boot.

    If you're worried about installing to the wrong drive on accident, you can always physically disconnect the existing drive until install is complete, then plug it back in and set the boot order in the mobo config.

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  • When I drive my girlfriend's SUV, I have to stand outside of it and work the controls until I've got enough room to get in. It's not awful, but does kind of suck on hot summer days when I just want to be in the air conditioning.

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    A Tweet for Anyone Who Has Used Word
  • Doesn't always work. I had to do a lot of technical writing for docs that ended in a table for acceptance signatures. I eventually figured out how to drop the blank page at the end, but I'm not 100% convinced I didn't summon an elder god at some point when I was fiddling with it to get there.

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    Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work
  • Outer Worlds is way closer to a Fallout spiritual sequel (or beat Starfield to the punch) than an Elder Scrolls game.

    Did they ever fix the reputation system? I managed to instantly piss off an entire city while I was in the middle of it because I accumulated one too many "We don't like you" points in the middle of a quest. Completely ruined my immersion and was a hard stop for me.

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    FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported
  • To clarify, the FTC is being urged to craft this regulation. They have not recently urged for this regulation. Gotta love the English language.

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    An important update on Concord - Being taken offline September 6th, refunds to be issued
  • I also don't buy his take that the game started development in 2016, this is what was big culturally in 2016, and the team just retreated into a bunker until launch and didn't have any way to course correct.

    That's not how game development works. I guarantee the headcount for this project didn't peak in 2016 and stay steady. This was a low-priority item on a few people's kanban boards for a couple years, probably had multiple starts, dead-ends, and reinventions.

    I have to think Sony saw the writing on the wall, pushed the project out the door because they didn't think it would get any better barring significant reinvestment, and braced for the impact. I credit them just a tiny bit for not writing it off on their taxes and canning the project like Hollywood has been doing lately.

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    Oof, I forgot that Concord has an episode in upcoming TV series Secret Level
  • Mostly unrelated, but I was curious what the other series were featured in Secret Level and found this list.

    Ooh, Unreal Tournament. I would love it if this generated some buzz and brought Epic back to the Unreal franchise.

    Also oof, I thought God of War was getting a whole episode based on the trailer, but it looks like it's going to be part of a Playstation mix-up. Because who wasn't dying to see Kratos trade quips with Nathan Drake.

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    Higher difficulties in every single RPG.
  • That's not at all surprising. PvE game design is almost always about making the computer less competent in fun and/or believable ways. If you've got a computer that can simulate every item and skill in an enemy team's arsenal and game out the best combination in milliseconds, the player is going to be dead by Turn 1 or stun-locked and dead by Turn 2.

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    Harris Will Continue to Ignore U.S. Law and Arm Israel, If Elected
  • Yeah, it sucks. I still think we have a better shot at pressuring her to take a harder stance on Israel while in office than Trump, so I'm still gonna vote for her.

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    So much winning
  • Yeah, my introduction to her music was riding in the car with my late fifty-something year old coworker and he had her album playing.

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    Finally, the Democrats have found Trump’s Achilles heel: ridicule him
  • I disagree. There is no ignoring Trump between now and the election. If the Dems stop now, then the only messaging out there will be GOP messaging which can put a spin on his hissy fits and work to salve his ego.

    He's a weirdo and we shouldn't let anyone forget it (until it's time to forget him).

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    Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before
  • Fair points, but I can't participate in this thread because I'm on an instance that doesn't allow down votes. The up vote solution is at least a bit more inclusive

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    Xbox’s ‘Exclusive’ Video Game Strategy Leaves Everyone Confused
  • You, like the author, are just falling for console war nonsense

    You are sprinting to the defense of a multi-billion dollar company to call me a console war partisan. That is some American-politics level projection right there. I was a Sega kid. We lost the console war at the turn of the century. Now I go where the games are.

    If the Xbox is a console for people to play games, it's not the only console on the market, so it needs to compete. If it gains feature parity with its direct competition...except that said competition has a quality stable of exclusive titles, then the console is going to struggle. Like say, moving 20% of the volume that their competitor does. Microsoft's answer to this seems to be to forego adding the value of console exclusives to their own platform and instead releasing more of their first-party titles on Playstation and PC.

    That's good for gamers, yes. It also flies in the face of any attempt to develop the Xbox as a platform choice. If I can afford one console per generation, why would I choose the Xbox over a Playstation? If I can afford multiple consoles, what does the Xbox offer that I don't get already with the Playstation?

  • Star Wars’ reluctance to recast Luke and Leia is holding the franchise back

    Opinion | Star Wars needs to recast its main legacy characters

    It’s time to talk about something Star Wars has been avoiding for some time: recasting its original trilogy characters. There have long been calls for the likes of Luke Skywalker to be portrayed by new actors (Sebastian Stan, anyone?) but it has, by and large, been something that the franchise hasn’t needed to properly confront – until now.


    From Steam's self-published stats.

    Baldur's Gate 3 could not be preloaded and weighed in at 125 gigabytes on disk, so when the game left Early Access at 11am US Eastern yesterday, Steam's bandwidth utilization shot up 8x over a span of 30 minutes. I know personally, I saw my download hit over 600 Mbps across a 1 Gbps fiber connection.

    Kudos to the system engineers at Valve. It is mind-boggling that they have built infrastructure that robust.
