Why wait until he is dead?
And Australian
Chairman Meow
Almost always, it can occur in males but it is exceptionally rare
That’s one hell of an earthquake if it was felt backwards through time!
That’s one cold cut!
Probably a good idea long term, my region is semi-arid and I still find I need it from time to time
Yeah it should be, how well did it go last time you printed Pla? There are so many things that can go wrong, just trying to eliminate some. (Drying filament never hurts so long as you actually have a dryer and don’t just stick it in the oven and hope for the best)
Hmm, how old is the spool? Like how long has it been open? Also, are you sure that the filament and printer are rated to the speed Orca is putting out?
Cape Feare
Bart the mother
“Matt Groening, what’s he doing in a museum? He can’t draw?” “Oh no I’m being erased!”
Christoper Walken reading Goodnight Moon (Scooch Closer, don’t make me tell you again about the scorching)
Have you dried your filament/ do you live in a humid climate? That would be my first guess.
What temperature is your nozzle set to?
The Simpsons. Pick your favourite seasons or watch them all, you can’t go wrong
I guess the question is “is bigger better for an internet community?” Like, old forums were a lot more interesting then today’s giants (Reddit etc), even if not much was posted from day to day