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Man's Best Friend
  • i also kidnap my friends and abuse them and breed them until they behave like i want(while killing all the versions that do not please me)

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    Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them
  • no? if theres no need to upgrade machine you just dont. most enterprise do because that shit is not supported anymore, so if they are internet enabled they dont have much choice.

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    The History and Future of Digital Ownership
  • Thank you! Lemmy seems to believe everything digital is free forever. There are real costs associated with maintaining infrastructure.

    then dont fucking call it "buying"

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    The History and Future of Digital Ownership
  • Bypassing these tends to be a criminal offense.

    lol no, nobody is in jail for ripping their stuff or even straight up torrenting it.

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    Just install EndeavorOS lol
  • Is actually great since it forces you to learn which saves you much more time in the long run.

    But most people can't see past their nose.


    Can't believe somebody got offended by this...

  • let me land, i started working in this place and they asked me to maintain the internal linux distro as well. fine, sure.

    they run a modified ubuntu with cinnamon on top.. i thought ok interesting choice. no problem right? wrong!

    i never noticed since i never used cinnamon much but its missing a shitload of features that regular users expect and that are present in gnome.

    some of it its silly,sure. but it has been a challenge, ill just list a few.

    • you cant duplicate your bottom bar on all screens...

    • if you customize your shortcuts and then add the "window group list" applet... it takes over the shortcuts....

    • there is no logout trigger in dconf(WHYYY???)

    • no automatic tiling options can be added(afaik)

    • you cant switch your audio source from the systray icon...

    • tried to remove an applet and now i have a green rectangle in the middle of my screen with no obvious way to remove (see pic) !

    • we had to manually modify cinnamon because it wouldnt handle multiple users and gdm at the same time(like WHAT???its fixed now upstream but jeeesus)

    • the issue tracker is a warzone, i opened multiple issues and only once got an answer(the issue above) and theres like 1.6k issues open

    we really tried but i dont think we can deploy this much longer, it doesnt seem worthy considering almost none of this is an issue in gnome. im getting tired of getting a ticket and having to reply "well this would work on gnome but on cinnamon we cant,though titties"

    to my understanding cinnamon was chosen because more similat to windows but this is not worth it imho... what do you think? have you used cinnamon in professional environments or just stuck to gnome?


    That's half the main games price... Just don't buy it


    ok ill add some other info i dont want this to sound like a mindless bashing

    BUGS as of patch 2.01

    • in a quest you need to alternate between your face and another character. everytime after the switch the Start menu would be unavailable, only fix is to save and reload the game(you change clothes like 4 times in that quest and it gets bugged every time)

    • character getting ejected into the air while leaving a vehicle for no reason

    • character getting stuck into vehicles if you approach them too fast and the world freezing in solidarity

    • quest markers not getting updated

    • quests taking over your your tracked quest for no reason

    • characters sending you texts while you are talking to them
