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Me at Akron Pride yesterday with a spicy flag
  • He has sort of a point buried deep in there; He's just not making it well.

    Partly that any press is good press. Nazis are (still) a small enough subculture that it's not worth advertising them as the main counterculture.

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    Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law
  • The Ohio Republican party just made a brazen attempt to consolidate power (and failed).

    They tried to effectively remove citizen initiatives, because the legislature doesn't control those.

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    A judge has ruled Texas' abortion ban is too restrictive for women with pregnancy complications
  • The "unfortunately" is weird. The judge is supposed to interpret law, not decide it. And he's determined that this law conflicts with inalienable rights in another law for a particular reason.

    I understand people think it's not broad enough, but more specific is more defensible, and more likely to stick.

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    optimal java experience
  • OOP is fine. It's particularly Java culture that's terrible.

    I never want to see the word Factory in a class name ever again.

    When a Java dev writes in any other language, you can tell. Too many layers of abstraction is a key indicator. They make simple problems complex.

    I once inherited a C# website project from a Java dev. I couldn't even figure out how to modify the CSS. And I'm a C# dev.
