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Conversing with Mathematicians
  • That's not how the square root is defined.

    You're confusing "square root of 100" with "the answer to x^2 = 100". These are different things.

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    final year project
  • The math involved in LLMs is not complex for anyone that has passed undergrad Calc and Linear Algebra classes. If you know derivatives, the chain rule and some matrix basics you can figure them out with enough studying.

    The hard part about LLMs is not the math but the neural net architecture innovations they brought (eg self-attention)

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    agile is far left too. I will die on this hill
  • So you're a communist that denounces every communist project atop an ivory tower, instead of understanding the realities of actually building a socialist society (no magical button that will make us overcome hierarchies overnight, I'm afraid). Sounds like you're just larping about being a communist

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    Americans be like
  • Yeah, one exists nationwide (credit score) and the other was some proposed municipality plan that didn't go anywhere

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    Americans be like
  • We also lost all the bribe money we had to pay to buy this factory in the first place.

    How can you type this with a straight face holy shit

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    China keeping rent low and housing affordable is the reason why the West thinks China's economy is collapsing. They can't comprehend a world where the economy doesn't prioritize the rich.
  • But they're based in it. Especially dramas or soap operas which work because people relate to the characters or at least realize that what they're going through can happen in the world. A silly example: a Cuban wouldn't make Breaking Bad because why would the protagonist need to find cash for his treatment or kids, when healthcare and education are free?

    So while we can't tell how widespread the issues in those dramas are, it's valid to say that they do appear in China (or appeared when they were created).

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    USA vs Cuba
  • Cuba intervened in Angola.

    Not arguing against* said intervention or the spirit of this post, but this oversight makes it somewhat disingenuous, in my opinion.

    * or for, for that matter. I haven't read about it, I only know that it happened.

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    Machine Learning
  • It can if you don't do a train-test split.

    But even if you consider the training set only, having zero loss is definitely a bad sign.

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    aral sea
  • That implication wasn't made. The original comment mentions how it took men 70 years to drain it (meaning that the drainage started during the USSR), and the comment below does not challenge that fact.

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    lumpenproletariat vs. unproductive labour
  • Seconded. I believe categorizing freelancers as petty bourgeois is going for the letter instead of the meaning of the term. A youtuber with no editor may own the means of production (his camera and computer) but ultimately depends on Google in order to be able to work. Similarly, freelancers may own their respective means of production, but they may be dependent on platforms like fiverr or corporations hiring them as contractors.

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    The U.S. wondering why global south countries buy weapons from Russia.
  • "Don't sell the weapons we're giving you to our enemies" holds both for purely state-owned and for-profit MICs. If anything, privatized for-profit corps have less of an incentive to force this ban. You gave your last order to the US and now you want to buy more stuff? Sure, profit is profit.

  • Mobile Games

    Do you play any games on your smartphone? I'm looking for single player ones to kill some time when waiting for the bus. Ideally they should work without an internet connection, so I can disable network access for that app and play without ads.

    I'm currently playing Words of Wonder, but it gets repetitive after a while.


    In The State and Revolution, Lenin (and Engels, whom he is quoting) disagrees with communists using "People's State" or "Free People's State" as a programme goal.

    If I understand correctly, this is because a) it creates a misunderstanding on the final phase of communism, which is stateless and b) it goes against the Marxist understanding of states as forces of oppression. On the other hand, it seems logical to me that a state following the dictatorship of the proletariat principle would call itself "People's", since the proletariat is the majority.

    So, I've been wondering if the existing socialist states have an official line about this, or if there's a consensus amongst M-Ls.
