Patch submitted to the Linux kernel by a 4 year old. 18
she's going to one of those mythical 20 yo with 15 years of experience 😉
I will stop using Linux / PC for 10 months. What do you think will happen in that period? 5
or simply using Firefox.
In my experience Bank care little about anything outside of what they perceive as the mainstream (IE,EDGE,CHROME).
How do you all go about backing up your data, on Linux? 2
I use Rclone which has both an WEBUI and CLI.
Slackware wasn't the first Linux distro, but it's the oldest still alive and kicking 3
I think it was MCC Interim Linux.
at what point do you draw the line for "retro"? 8
Retro is everything you were in to when you were 12.