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  • This meme is propaganda. The primary cause of inflation is out of control government spending. In the wise words of Milton Friedman, "Every budget is balanced... If you want to know the real government budget look at inflation."

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    Please talk me down: "I'm just doing my job" is the new "I was just following orders".
  • You're not wrong. The whole system is governed by fear. It is the operating principle by which this world operates.

    Anyone that says "I'm just doing my job" living their life based on fear, and not reason. All it does is give the psychopaths running everything more power.

    We need to stop being afraid. Believe it or not, it is a choice. You can wake up every morning happy, and at total peace. No matter what is happening in your life. Mind over matter, as they say.

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    Trump accepts RFK Jr endorsement and vows to release JFK assassination files
  • This is whataboutism at its finest. We need to hold our own party to a higher standard. I think we either need to vote 3rd party or for Trump to send a clear message.

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    Trump accepts RFK Jr endorsement and vows to release JFK assassination files
  • I am so fed up with how the DNC has treated RFK Jr. The lawfare and taking him off the ballot in swing states is unacceptable. Really thinking of voting for Trump as a wakeup call to the Democratic party.

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    They're failing miserably lol
  • MAGA here. At least we didn't have to pretend for 4 years that Biden was Sharp As A Tack™. Then, as if right on cue, pretend Kamala wasn't the most unpopular candidate in your own primary.

    But go ahead, keep huffing your own farts.

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    Someone's gotta tell him
  • Replying to my deleted comment:

    My comment was removed, and the stated reason was "homophobia". This is a lie, but exactly what I would expect in an echo-chamber operative-run community like this one.

    Instead of letting censorship prevail, here is the full text of the comment. I'll let you be the judge:

    Chop a 5-year-old boy's balls off because he decided to play with Barbies one day.

    Gender affirming care.

    Do a hair transplant for a full grown adult.

    Gender affirming care.

    Yep. Same thing. No difference whatsoever!

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    What self hosting feels like (It's painful, please help 🥲)
  • I totally and completely blame Microsoft for this. They do so many other ridiculous things in the name of not confusing the average tech illiterate user.

    Clicking a Zip file and having it transparently open and treating it like a regular folder when it is not. This. THIS is borderline criminal.

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    Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled
  • I'm not worried about this at all. I don't use Chrome anyways. I use Brave. It has a built-in ad blocker that works pretty well and I don't see that going away.

  • Murdered by words

    Never tire of winning
  • OLDEST candidate, rofl!

    Age doesn't matter. Mental cognition does.

    Convicted criminal

    Yeah, by the deep state using the rigged courts.

    Worst deficit

    Yeah, maybe. But he freed up the economy by approving a record number of drilling contracts, and basically telling the world "America is open for business." Had this modus operandi continued, we could have even prospered our way out of the negative consequences of the spending.

    Twice impeached

    Again, by the deep state using the radicals in congress. Crazy people hate you? What an accolade that is.

    Hated by most Americans

    Let's see, Obama got 69M votes in 2008. Trump got 74M votes in 2020. Saying "most hated" really misses the point here.

    Lost the popular vote

    On paper...

  • The Party of Democracy

    Follow me for more deep political analysis
  • The Left can't meme. Also...

    All this does is expose you for the cruelty in your heart. The people now see you for what you really are, and your party will lose in November.

  • 13

    Actually what I think of when someone says Gerrymandering
