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Does Marijuana Make Anybody Pass Out Like Me?
  • It happened to me once but it was not even for a minute. Was standing outside a party smoking a big fat joint that people were passing around and then out of a sudden I felt super light headed, lights started to go off and next thing I know I'm being carried by the person that was standing next to me, then I had another person asking if I took anything else and was ready with a narloxone but I fortunately managed to tell them that I didn't take anything else and the friends I was with knew that as well so I wasn't poked with it. Bought a gatorade and was unfortunately not let back into the venue. I think it happened because I hadn't really eaten much that day and maybe it was too much weed for my tiny body even though I have a high tolerance, I think I'd also taken one drink so taking all those things into account it wasn't super surprising. If anything my general weed tolerance is surprising.
    Actually another time I don't think I passed out but was in the verge of was a 4/20 event at the beach, I took a killer edible and had smoked a bit. So also not surprising.

    If you really don't want to leave it then I'd start from tiny dosages and study how it makes you feel but also make sure that your blood pressure is not too low in general before smoking. Your health and safety come first. Also don't smoke alone anymore.

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    SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'
  • thanks, I still rather ask humans than an AI that doesn't know how to bake a cake

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    SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'
  • I did, "steam os run on vita" didn't give me anything. I'm not about to learn all about processors to answer this simple question lol that's silly

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    Why is that on the internet, people assume you're a male from America, but if you're a vegan on the internet, people assume you're female?
  • nah, this place is great for my lifestyle, this is just one of the few (personal) downsides

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    Why is that on the internet, people assume you're a male from America, but if you're a vegan on the internet, people assume you're female?
  • and here I am struggling to find single monogamous vegan women in my area

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    SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'
  • wait does this mean I will be able to install it on my PS Vita?!
    Steam Deck is too big for my tiny hands!

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    Tall, short, whatever—we're all screwed
  • I don't get it, why cant really tall people see shit?

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    Night In The Woods Devs Cancel Highly Anticipated Follow-Up
  • I'm no doctor but sounds like a side effect of covid :/
    Keep masking! Covid can cause damage like this to your heart, your lungs, and/or your brain.. being vaccinated is not enough, it just softens the blow

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    'We don't have teachers' | This Austin private school lets AI teach core subjects
  • have you asked an AI how to bake a cake?

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    "Mindreader" by Mr. Lovenstein
  • it's the exact same link I posted :v

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    This will definitely get me on a watchlist
  • Can we run a Go Fund Me to hire a hitman?
