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Smartphone manufacturers still want to make foldables a thing
  • Marketing maketh the product. Absolutely true and a thick one there would sell.

    If you put two devices down, one thick and one thin, all other things being equal and without an influencer hawking jt. People take the thin one.

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    Smartphone manufacturers still want to make foldables a thing
  • You will never get that battery if it makes the device thicker. I was in the industry, we made smartphones with a two day battery. Full on thick, in direct response to customers asking.

    None sold. Period. It was something like 8-10mm thicker.

    Everyone looked at the one with the thick battery then the thin and bought that.

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    [James Hoffmann] The Best Espresso Grinder Under £500
  • The costs you are minimizing are extremely high. Things like engineering, cost of manufacture, heck even the cost of a higher quality motor with less play/tight tolerances is vastly more expensive than you are letting on. Figure parts costs alone on a base model grinder are around 20 dollars for a 200 dollar sale price. Most of these are probably in the 200 dollar range with more time required to assemble.

    In comparing a <200 dollar grinder to a 700 dollar grinder like the niche, the difference is night and day for parts, layout, and requirements for output. Plus the cost of higher quality burr sets and tight tolerance burr carriers.

    The per unit costs associated with what is required to produce a small output, high quality part is high. How many units do you think each one of these companies makes? Compare that to baratza or kitchen aid. It’s not even in the same ballpark.

    Obviously it goes towards insanity with the 3k dollar plus units, but then again many of them are commercial focused and can happily churn out hundreds of pounds of ground beans. Or into fully billet cnc machines one offs.

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    [James Hoffmann] The Best Espresso Grinder Under £500
  • A car is a solved problem. So please, buy a used Honda civic and use it to haul 10 tons of stone up a steep incline. Day in and day out.

    A bit hyperbolic, but the issue is one of specialization and volume. These grinders see small sales and have very special configurations. To produce something like that costs more money than a spinning wheel grinder. On the other hand it is consistent in scope and output with many issues resolved via many production iterations or through manufacturing processes which are difficult to scale.

    Yes at some point the prices to benefit ratio drops, but seriously, grinders (next to the beans themselves) are the most important part in the taste of your coffee. Don’t you feel like you deserve the best?

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    Paramount+ unskipabble ads
  • Code yes, but the information, lists, and capabilities beyond that no.

    I do think it’s a low risk, but it is not zero.

    They could also do some nefarious stuff if they get bought out.

    Don’t get me wrong I hope they last and I’m just plain wrong, but pihole works great and is a bit more pure.

    About ui/ux, you are one hundred percent right. People want and demand simple. Single click install and setup is what is really needed and pihole loses resoundingly in that, especially if combined with encrypted dns request forwarding.

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    Paramount+ unskipabble ads
  • Same can be done with Pi-hole. Yes it isn’t ootb, but it is easy to do.

    There are still challenges with doh and isp packet scanning. Even without clear text dns, your isp still knows where you go, if not from the lookups. They still inspect traffic and destinations and can make very detailed inferences, even without https inspection on DoH or other packets.

    Pihole is fully for free. AdH seems to be the same for now, but it is a company running it, they want to make money. I would be a bit worried about this.

    This also doesn’t stop devices from doing their own dns over https. Adguard home and pihole will try to block the DoH locators (canaries) but can’t actually stop a tv from connecting to a known ip if it wants to.

    Don’t get me wrong. I highly recommend something, and adguard home is nice, but I’m not convinced by its the right long term solution nor does either solution provide the sum total.

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    Legal experts: NY AG “set up” Don Jr. on witness stand — and now he could be criminally prosecuted
  • They lost the civil trial already by willful disregard of the courts requests and blatant misdirection. This whole show is just to determine how much they owe. While it might be pedantic, it is fairly critical to getting the story right as to what is happening.

    It’s why the questioning is going the way it is going. They could go deeper on certain questions, but the facts are already mostly clear. It doesn’t stop them from focusing on who of this gang might have lied.

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    Got a Soulslike itch, any patient games?
  • It just plays different. Once you get a bit further than an hour or 4 in, it clicks. Frustrating at first as the difficulty has a technique ramp and some rather hard seeming enemies.

    Hellpoint is also a lot of fun.

    Lords of the fallen is good, though some of the bosses and ranged enemies are annoying. Need a powerful machine due to the optimization and bugs, daily patches for most of the week.

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    I apparently don't have a whole house water shut off I can use.
  • There is a chance it’s “outside” in some sort of deep box but that seems unlikely unless you are in the south.

    You need a plumber unfortunately and if you really don’t have one it might be a grand or more. Schedule with water company to turn it off at the street, cut, add a good modern shutoff in a useful location (which might require changing layout) and so on.

    Good luck, but I would not do it myself based on the comments so far. Just fyi.

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    U.S. v. Trump Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History
  • It won’t happen. They will complain, but the judge has final say and if they name a juror they will go to jail and face disbarment. This is not a game and they know it.

    You are right to worry in general, but this is one place and detail I wouldn’t worry about.

    The selection process will take a while, but it won’t be impossible and the lawyers won’t be able to hose that part up. There will be attempts to move the venue (already talking about trying to go to wv) but the law is clear that it should be handled via the dc federal system.

    Delays in general will happen.

    They will make motions around the questionnaires going to the potential jurors and many more things. Most of which the judge has pure control over. Then they will attempt to research each of those selected and get them thrown out to force a mistrial. The judge will have lots of alternates.

    It’s a short case with extraordinary focus. It will take much longer than it should, but it has none of the difficulty like the clearances and other issues in florida. Keep up your hope, I’m not saying everything is perfect but these aren’t the problem areas.

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    U.S. v. Trump Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History
  • Yes and I know many who have. Your experience is not the norm for high profile cases.

    Cases where there is no overriding community exposure is significant less invasive/picky.

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    U.S. v. Trump Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History
  • There is a difference between not heard of it and willing to weigh the evidence laid in front of them. Both sides will axe all who have strong opinions.

    It will be difficult, but not impossible. Even in the dc area.

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    U.S. v. Trump Will Be the Most Important Case in Our Nation’s History
  • None of what you said is true. I know what you mean, and it’s a good worry, but juries are not purely “random”.

    They are heavily scrutinized and thoroughly checked from both sides. A large group of potentials are brought together (randomly) and a selection process takes place. Both sides form written questions of the potential jurors to ensure they aren’t a shoe in for the other side. Those questions are provided to a judge who validates that they are not bad. Then the questions are provided to the individuals to answer with the judges guidance. Then they are selected to serve or be alternates by all three parties. Yes trumps lawyers will be there and have a say but it can be countermanded by the other side and the judge focuses on the meat of the items.

    In trump’s case the pool will be very large and the judge will be spending a very long time talking to each to ensure they will be impartial and fair. Above and beyond the simple questionnaire. They also have the capacity to double check for obvious issues like lying about their belief structure and the judge sets out the requirements for the case.

    The judge 100% talks to the jurors directly and in general tries to engender a level of trust between themselves and the potential jurors. They will ensure neutrality.

    Yes it could go sideways, but it is unlikely. The politics are so unbelievably polarizing it would be hard to imagine a juror lying through their teeth to get into there with the risk of being found to have lied through the process. And seriously lying on the juror question forms is.. bad. Really bad.

    Btw lawsuits end in a settlement because the cost of the lawsuit is higher than the cost of settling and getting money now. Nothing more or less. You are conflating very different processes.

    Be angry about the right things with the right information. It’s way more healthy and will help you energize others.

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    Trump charged by Justice Department for efforts to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss
  • That wasn’t quite the question. He is up for 44 federal charges and 8? In ny state I believe.

    If charged in ga there could be any number of charges there and the door is open to more related to the violence itself. All depends on the evidence.

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    J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Grandson Says He “Definitely Would Have Removed” One Scene in Christopher Nolan’s Film
  • Reality for what happened was way different. Now no one knows if he really did poison the apple, but others at the school said he made statements about having done it.

    So who knows, but just remember confused super unbelievably young smart person in college getting abused by their teachers and told to just take it. There was no real structure of support in those days so he snapped.

    Fortunately no one was actually hurt and in the end (after disciplinary action) it all turned out ok. Just nothing like the movie trying to explain that in 30 seconds and force his connection with theory vs practical physics.

  • Anyone know if I can just get a long usb extension cable and plug in a Bluetooth 5.1 dongle to extend the range of my controllers into another room?

    Or do the devices require a connection to the ps5 itself.

    Not looking for bt audio. Ps5 cannot move.
