I'm glad Kevin Rose is back on board. However AI Moderation concerns me. Greatly.
Well, it could be a flamethrower wit ha novelty zippo style casing, but if it's simply an upscaled zippo it's going to lack the pressure feed mechanism a flamethrower has to cause the fuel to 'throw' out and instead would just be a fairly sizeable flame at the opening.
You raise a fair point in it being an attention grabber. I took the prompt as 'what could you introduce in day to day normal usage to the point it is 'normal' useage rather than seen as exceptional.'
For pretty much the reason you stated. So that it isn't attention grabbing and NB persons aren't going 'LOOK AT MEEE! SEE! I AM DIFFERENT!'
Though you also bring a point that it still sounds quasi gendered. I'll differ to someone who's actually NB on the matter since ... well yea.
'Flaired users only' Require mod review for flairs.
My stance, as the one cis/het guy in my chosen peer group, is this:
- Put everyone on even footing at base. No lynchings, no treating this or that group as inherently sexual or evil or whatever.
- Once we have established that baseline. Go back to fifties era taxation for the wealthy.
Point Two should help with point one by way of focusing our rage at the people who have been gleefully pitting us at each other while they siphon money from us.
See, when the Landlord charges reasonable rates, and actually provides services in exchange for that rent (helping update appliances to newer, having paperwork on hand for any code/inspections needed for property changes (that the landlord would ultimately benefit from,) and in general treating it as a matter of 'I have obligations' instead of 'I will do nothing but I will absolutely blame the tennants for the inevetable crumbling of the property.'
I dislike the concept at base level, but that is a someone who is trying to not be a scumbag.
Zhir. It's a word that exists but I want it to be more popularized and normalized for the sake of non-binary folk having something other than They/Them. This is both because i feel that NB persons need more representation, and as a matter of selfishness. I want more options when writing non-gendered folk (Ever try writing a book of mostly non-gendered robots? I did. I'm just glad the English language doesn't assume gendering like french or spanish.)
Internal thoughts cannot be monetized. The flipside of 'you cannot be sued for copyright infringement for having unoriginal thoughts.'
i'm going to admit to being guilty on this front since 'ok liz cheney is on side for ousting trump.... I have problems with her but maybe we can peel away the ones that can be talked away from the flavor-aid-'
Well... at this point anyone who can be swayed likely has been. So chasing their gameplan is a sucker's game. We need t obe more like bernie and triple down on 'the problem isn't trans or minorities it's the fucking robber barons that YOU DID NOT ELECT that are making the real choices in the halls of power.'
The more time passes the more i think that the likes of Schumer, palosi, andn ow hakeem jeoffreys want to use the democratic party as a controlled opposition to the republicans since they benefit from the oligarchical structuring. Nevermind Palosi's husband got attacked by a MAGA whackjob...
The Democratic party is pivoting to 'republican lite.'
And... frankly WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT THAT? The MAGA aren't going to vote for the diet version. See also Desantes and others in the republican primaries or ltierally anyone but Trump spouting his bullshit.
I'd say minorities won't vote for the lesser evil here but given how many hispanics came out for Trump...
I feel like my voice is either going to be mocked by one party, or ignored by the other while said part ytries begging me for money I don't have.
They think he's wearing shoulder padding, but no. That's just him.
Its 800/900ish MHz depending in where in the world you are. So UHF ranges. 1 to five mile range can be expected just carrying one around with a rubber duck style antenna. Range goes up considerably if you out it up in top of your house, fivish to twenty. Pit on a dedicated mast or high building with clear sight lines? Could get up to fifty miles.
Current record I think is 170 miles but that's transmitting from a mountain top and I think a directional antenna.
For vhf/UHF the key is 'height is might.' That's why I can use a handheld and, with the right antenna, hit the ISS but also have maybe five miles point to point and need a repeater to hit anywhere of worth.
I had been trying to do the mental figuring on a zero w and Lora antenna to have a local area Usenet like, or even just email since the use cases go up when it isn't live or nothing.
At that point wouldn't it just be a really shitty flamethrower?
'You were so preoccupied on whether you could, that you never thought to wonder if you should.'
Because, while assholes can be found in all places, you have decided yo surround yourself with the interestingly weird.
As someone in one of those States.
Cut us off. There won't be change until these people hurt and right now they view California as something they are subsidizing and not the other way round.
Yes let's not go after the south African literally fomenting the rise of a fashist takovet. Let's go after the guy selling bootleg DVDs.

The Star Trek TNG - Eve Online Crossover - Will Enterprise-D DIE!? Part 1
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.

So why the hate for the archive our own?
Stow the insults, the snark, the everything else. I want answers on this one. What did they do and why are people telling me to go fuck myself for using them?

Part 4 - Marc'heg Du (Black Knight)

This is the story of KARR. Wilton's Black Knight.
Apologies for prior post. Didn't realize putting an image in overrode there being a URL link.

Used KARR for Sale - Sold!

Blurb: Forty years ago there was A Man and A Car that fought for those that either fell through the cracks or simply could not fight for themselves. Now, a man with barely any sight has gained possession of what remains of the prototype of that car. Can he rebuild it? The more important question is, does he realize what he has woken up?
I've been stuck on Part 4 - Marc'heg Du - For almost two years at this point. Purely because 'What is going to happen is something I dread writing.' Had a decent clip going, and then .... WHAM. Right into a wall.
Edit: Image made using AI both for upscaling and the background for the 1990 Pontiac Fiero prototype.
Edit: Didn't realize the series link got overrode by the image.

Lower Decks Query - Is Olly Palamas's Daughter?
She lists Zeus as her grandad, so unless Apollo hit it off with another woman I'm not sure how she isn't unless Zeus himself left only a short time before and she's the daughter of whoever was a result of his last at bat.
Also would it be Polluxian, or Olympian? Given we don't know if the Psychokinetic being that identified as Apollo was an Earth native, or hyper advanced/simi ascended traveler?

Just wanted to say 'Ketemine Jesus' is perfect for the community profile image
It's both hilarious, and terrifying.
That is all.

Ate a three day ban after talking about Lemmy
Reddit's automod thing says I threatened violence and harm and. I dunno? But I recall effectivly advocating against harm in the subs where discussion was going on. However It's funny. The morning after I remind folk that 'oh hey the corporate platforms, including reddit, will try to stifle discussion of altenritives' I eat a ban wit ha YOU WERE INCITING VIOLENCE AGAINST PEOPLE warning.
...As I said.
They would not fear us, if we could not harm them.