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We need to have a better system
  • I voted Trudeau for election reform but he screwed all of us by not following through.

    He chose losing to Conservatives instead of losing to another left party that day, and I will never forgive him for that..

    Conservative government does not repent Canada but we didn't fix it when we were promised it would be fixed. At least if we had implemented ranked voting, the Conservatives would likely never be in power again.

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    Apple’s Tim Cook to unveil reasons why your current iPhone is already a piece of shit
  • It should be criminal that so many laptops they sold the past few years have 8gb of ram.

    All of those people will be looking to upgrade within a year, which is the plan...

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    How Amazon “Lied, Spied, Cheated Its Way to the Top”: WSJ Reporter Dana Mattioli
  • Only psychopaths are capable of becoming billionaires.

    Normal people would share or cut fair deals to those involved, as a society we need to say enough is enough and tax them so there is no such thing as a billionaire.

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    Vegans are worse people and more harmful than "carnists'
  • It's weird to care that much about what other people eat.

    Just don't be weird about stuff. Most vegans don't care, most meat eaters don't care, so just stop being weird.
