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strong drink
  • Was that the Jones Soda one? Honestly that's not even the weirdest flavor they have, that's just kind of what they do.

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  • I feel like that might be difficult to do without just falling into Jupiter, but I am no rocket scientist.

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    Jet Fuel
  • The wizards hunted dragons to extinction because their wings made good spell components and they want to dodge responsibility for it.

    Its ugly, but it's true.

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  • I'm a longtime 40k fan and Rogue Trader is one of the few games that I feel like really nail the setting spot on. And I also enjoyed Owlcat's Pathfinder games, they've got a strong pedigree behind them. If you're a fan of CRPGs and Warhammer 40k you should definitely pick it up, it's great. If you're not a 40k fan, the game is still good, but you've got some homework to do if you want to understand the setting and understand the decisions you're making - the Pathfinders might be a better fit for you.

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  • Fuck that, I've finally got a full day off work for the first time in over a week and I'm stoked to sit down and play some 40k Rogue Trader. This game kicks ass.

    Might hit some Deadlock tonight too.

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    Debate wrap up: No one has ever so thoroughly dominated Donald Trump
  • They think he owned her with the "I'm talking now" line.

    For fuck's sake that's HER LINE that she said FOUR YEARS AGO, they aren't even capable of making their own jokes now? Even the insults have to be ripped off secondhand bullshit? Donald is proving himself highly incapable of actually having an independent thought. I've always thought he was pretty dumb, but, just, damn. There really is nothing in there, huh?

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    Satisfactory 1.0
  • Check out Shapez 2. The first game was pretty basic but I really enjoy S2 as a Factorio lite. It's much much less complex, but there's still plenty of room to build crazy contraptions as you unlock more stuff to build with. Most major upgrades will make you want to refactor your whole base, but after you finish delivering a certain type of shape you no longer need to make more (except sometimes as components for new shapes). So I'll pretty regularly knock out like half my factory and make a new and improved assembly line for the new shape I need to deliver.

    It's good, give it a look. I get quite sucked into it and it doesn't have as much mental overhead as Factorio does. There's also no biters, which makes it a much more relaxing factory game.

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    M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • Well said, I like that.

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    M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • Thing is, you never have any clue whether the AI is telling you something even remotely true unless you go behind it and trawl through six pages of shitty SEO-optimized bullshit anyway. So you can either take its word at face value and potentially be completely wrong, or else just do the research yourself anyway and ignore the AI answer.

    Personally, I choose the second. I find it to be less frustrating if I just assume the AI is wrong.

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    awHell Naw
  • AGMs are actually worth the squeeze even on a car that doesn't necessarily require one, they're genuinely good-ass batteries. Expensive, though. But they'll blow the pants off a lead acid in a stress test.

    Also lots of cars have an option to toggle the auto-off. Not all of them though. And some will reset it every time you turn the car on and off.

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    Vectors Part 2
  • Very well explained, thank you. I keep forgetting, and am occasionally reminded, that just below the basic math I'm familiar with is a whole other level of advanced math, and just below that is the screaming void.

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    True love
  • Even if you want a ring, we got wooden rings. Cost like $100 for some really nice ones with fire opal inlay from an online craftsman. I've already cracked mine a little by being a dumbass with heavy car parts so I'm just ordering another. It's cheap, and on top of that if I had dropped a brake rotor onto a gold or metal ring it might have gotten flattened and trapped on my finger. The wood just cracked a little and flexed right back into its original shape.

    If I had a lathe and some motivation I could even make my own, but I'm happy paying the relatively modest price of a single Benjamin for a well crafted ring with inlay.

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    10-year-old girl in Japan becomes youngest person certified to prepare poisonous pufferfish — a delicacy that can be deadly
  • The article states nothing about this and has no images implying it.

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    How come drug dealers seem to have a messed up house or at least a messed up car with a bunch of trash in it?
  • I was going to say this already after reading, but getting to your last couple lines really reinforced it - hey, you're good people, thanks for weighing in where you do. I see quite a lot of your posts in my daily browsing and they're almost exclusively all long-form well thought out responses like this one. I don't think I've ever seen you have a bad take about anything. I greatly respect your life experience and your opinions, they mirror a lot of what I've seen myself in the world as a generally curious soul.

    Just wanted to say that. I've scrolled past enough of your comments where I wanted to add a quick "hey, thanks for this" but it wouldn't add anything to the conversation. This time is no different except that I've reached a limit of not acknowledging it out loud where I'm starting to feel bad every time I do so. Thank you for your contributions to our communities.

    We'll probably never meet, but if we did, I think I'd like to buy you a beer.

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    Ask and ye shall receive.
  • I'd be surprised if that's still what it says. They have the edit history, they could roll it back whenever.

    I guarantee with 100% certainty that that isn't what they're feeding into their AI, as well. You just planted a great big flagpole on all your old content that states "this account was previously run by a real live human" and probably doubled the value of the edited comments for AI training. Bots don't have a reason to protest-edit their content.

    I approve of the attitude, but spez has got us in a vice here where any attempt to damage reddit's data store is actually just helping them. Best thing to do at this point is to scrub them from memory and just ignore them forever. Unless you're up for some seriously large-scale corporate sabotage, that's the best we've got.

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    Baldur's Gate 3 level editor is cracked open by modders, bringing homebrew campaigns one step closer
  • Bethesda tried this when they attempted to monetize mods. You can't stop the signal on truly user-generated content. At best they might have a copyright claim on official DnD lore or monsters, which can be sidestepped with a custom setting, which is pretty much the whole point of user generated content.

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    Why is everybody mad
  • Because it isn't profitable right now. The first time you see someone successfully mine an asteroid, or sell property on the moon, is when you'll see the space race explode again. Until then there's not really any money out there.

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  • They get told what to feel every night on the Fox Lies channel, they hardly need the projection. Don't worry, Daddy Tucker will command you, just do what you're told, like a big strong man.
