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British cuisine is like...
  • I moved to a different state and went to a couple stores before I found it. Definitely scattered popularity in the states.

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    Seattle hospital won't turn over gender-affirming care records in lawsuit settlement with Texas
  • If I'm not mistaken, I've heard stories about it being prohibitively difficult to vote (long lines, inadequate staffing & # of locations, banning vote-by-car, a COVID response) in urban areas. Can't imagine a lot of those barriers exist in more rural areas.

  • NSFW
  • On the topic of American welfare programs, season 3 of The Uncertain Hour has some really good history and current coverage of issues with the system

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    Google Phone app could be getting a FaceTime-like feature
  • I've used carrier video calling before, the option appears when I call my wife. We both have Verizon, though, and I've never checked if I can do that with other people

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    The four houses dads belong to.
  • The power drill my dad got me a decade ago still works, and locked me in... I have done some med-duty ranch work with it and it still drills
