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Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 9 September 2024
  • There is an übermensch and there is an untermensch.

    The übermensch are masculine males, the bodybuilders I follow that are only active in the gym and on the feed; the untermensh are women and low-T men, like my bluepilled Eastern European coworker whose perfectly fine with non-white immigration into my country.

    The übermensch also includes anybody whose made a multi-paragraph post on 4chan with no more than one line break between each paragraph. It also includes people at least and at most as autistic as I am.

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    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 9 September 2024
  • This is barely on topic, but I've found a spambot in the wild. I know they're a dime a dozen, but I wanted to take a deep dive.

    It blew its load advertising a resume generator or something bullshit across hundreds of subs. Here's an example post. The account had a decent amount of karma, that stood out to me. I'm pretty old school, so I thought someone just sold their account. Right? Wrong. All the posts are ChatGPT generated! Read in sequence, all the karma farm posts are very clearly AI generated, but individually they're enticing enough that they get a decent amount of engagement: "How I eliminated my dent with the snowball method", "What do you guys think of recent Canadian immigration 🤨" both paraphrased.

    This guy isn't anonymous, and he seemingly isn't profiting off the script that he's hawking. His reddit account leads to his github leads to his LinkedIn which mentions his recent graduation and his status as the co-founder of some blockchain bullshit. I have no interest in canceling or doxxing him, I just wanted to know what type of person would create this kind of junk.

    The generator in question, that this man may have unknowingly destroyed his reddit account to advertise, is under the MIT license. It makes you wonder WHY he went to all this trouble.

    I want to clone his repo and sniff around for data theft; the repo is 100% percent python, so unless he owns any of the modules being imported the chance of code obfuscation is low. But after seeing his LinkedIn I don't think this guy's trying to spread malware; I think he took a big, low fiber shit aaaaalll over reddit as an earnest attempt at a resume builder.

    Personally, I find that so much stranger than malice. 🤷‍♂️

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    here's the amazing Vibecamp essay where the rationalists talk about "microdosing" meth if they can't take the adderall to become a financial genius like Scoot promised them
  • I REALLY don't wanna rank rapes, but isn't frat rape an archetypal rape? It's unambiguously terrible to the point that the only defense the perpetrators can mount is that it didn't happen. This is like decrying the expansion of murder to include defenstration along side the more traditional bludgeoning and stabbing.

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    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 1 September 2024
  • Tim defended neither of these, only engaging in a conversation with someone who had, noting that in globally diverse communities that the required narrative may be more complex than oppressor-oppressed by simple binary color of skin.

    With no link to any additional context

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    No, intelligence is not like height
  • That's because the HN poster I quoted, like many many MANY people, has conflated predicting iq based off of genes with heritabilty. I'd recommend reading the linked substack, the author's much more succient and knowledgeable than I am, and I wouldn't want to misrepresent his point

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    No, intelligence is not like height
  • In particular, two semantic tricks are used. First, the fact that current genetic markers aren't a good prediction for IQ heritability is used as an argument against it. The other likely explanation that our understanding of those markers is widely incomplete is not explored.

    Unlike our understanding of IQ, the game of matching shapes where the loser gets a teen pregnancy. That's been fully explored.

  • No, intelligence is not like height

    ... and the reason is one of the most interesting findings from modern behavioral genetics

    It earned its "flagged off HN" badge in under 2 hours

    51 ‘Race Science’ Is Inching Its Way Across the American Right

    The new attempt to shroud racism in a cloak of objectivity.

    Ali Breland has written some fantastic entry pieces on the new right, including right wing anons and maga tech; now he has an article about the nooticers

    > Other anonymous far-right accounts have accrued more than 100,000 followers by posting about the supposed links between race and intelligence. Elon Musk frequently responds to @cremieuxrecueil, which one far-right publication has praised as an account that “traces the genetic pathways of crime, explaining why poverty is not a good causal explanation.” Musk has also repeatedly engaged with @Eyeslasho, a self-proclaimed “data-driven” account that has posted about the genetic inferiority of Black people. Other tech elites such as Marc Andreessen, David Sacks, and Paul Graham follow one or both of these accounts. Whom someone follows in itself is not an indication of their own beliefs, but at the very least it signals the kind of influence and reach these race-science accounts now have.

    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 04 August 2024
  • Speaking of breathtaking racism with low quality cites, does anyone remember ebola chan? He was my favorite because he was a reactionary with 4chan temperament, so he'd mald when pushed instead of spewing out word salad.

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    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 04 August 2024
  • I'd never heard of him. His latest tweet is complaining about the left wing slant on his thread and he says that you can't "get away from the culture war I guess". Yet every fifth post below is a rage post about libs and lefties.

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    Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 04 August 2024
  • Does TP0 have an point he's trying to push with this thread? It's disingenuous enough that it feels like there's an agenda, but at the same time what could the point even be? Fuck cancer patients?

  • NSFW
    Gil Duran on J. D. Vance and our old friend Moldbug
  • Speaking of the "virtualization" plan he has, did he not realize how expensive and impractical and un-immersive this would be, especially with 2008 technology?

    You have to buy (and eventually repair) a shit ton of 4d VR headsets. You have to feed these guys and excercise them to make sure they don't atrophy too hard. And VR sucks ass, even now, so the entire facility would just be a shittier, smellier dark ride with a captive audience.

    Isn't this just a stupider version of The Matrix? How is this guy so renowned?

  • NSFW
    Gil Duran on J. D. Vance and our old friend Moldbug
  • As Delegate of San Francisco, what should you do with these people? I think the answer is clear: alternative energy. Since wards are liabilities, there is no business case for retaining them in their present, ambulatory form. Therefore, the most profitable disposition for this dubious form of capital is to convert them into biodiesel, which can help power the Muni buses.

    Jesus Christ

    Okay, just kidding. This is the sort of naive Randian thinking which appeals instantly to a geek like me, but of course has nothing to do with real life. The trouble with the biodiesel solution is that no one would want to live in a city whose public transportation was fueled, even just partly, by the distilled remains of its late underclass.

    Oh ok, that's less(?) terrible

    However, it helps us describe the problem we are trying to solve. Our goal, in short, is a humane alternative to genocide. That is: the ideal solution achieves the same result as mass murder (the removal of undesirable elements from society), but without any of the moral stigma. Perfection cannot be achieved on both these counts, but we can get closer than most might think

    Jesus Christ

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    Microsoft says EU to blame for the world's worst IT outage
  • Microsoft has Windows Defender, its in-house alternative to CrowdStrike, but because of the 2009 agreement made to avoid a European competition investigation, had allowed multiple security providers to install software at the kernel level.

    Lmao what

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    That tracing woodgrains peice on David Gerard is out
  • The National Socialist party of Germany, Hitler's party focused on advancing German rights and the hone of, among other things, the best outfits I've seen of a political party

  • My experience at the controversial Manifest 2024 — EA Forum

    Comment by TracingWoodgrains - I'm not particularly happy to see people within this community immediately present and accept the framing that Manifest was controversial because people reacted harshly to an article explicitly aimed at smearing a community I belong to with reckless disregard for truth...

    ...And if it weren't for that one joke by Hannibal, Bill Cosby would be very uncontroversial.

    https:// /item

    >This has convinced me more and more that the only possible way forward that’s not a dystopian hellscape is total freedom of all AI for anyone to do with as they wish. Anything else is forcing values

    This dude also posts a direct link to a race-bait bluecheck two comments down, further cementing hn AI threads as downstream frog twitter.

    I know this one might be stretching it a bit, but every comment on this post is sneer-worthy, every single one.
