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Exclusive: US to send depleted-uranium munitions to Ukraine
  • Well thank god you saw a mysterious temporary totally legit website that justifies all of your opinions. We'd be lost without you.

  • Jump
    I knew he felt so slimey for a reason
  • I'm in my first watch of DS9, just finished Season 3. I can't believe how much I like Ferengi episodes, because of how good Quark and Rom are. The most recent thing that had me tearing up is when Rom

    S3 DS9 spoilers

    goes off on Quark for fucking up Nog's chances at Starfleet by rigging the holosuite training program. Rom is such a good character and from what I understand in memes, its only gonna get better.

    Rom supremecy. Quark is so well acted too. Gets even better when Wallace Shawn (known socialist) shows up as Grand Nagus. This is such a rambling post, I'm sorry (but am not sorry for loving Rom).

  • Jump poses the debate-provoking question whether SNW S2 overdid the gimmicks
  • I'd love it if they did more episodes per season and had some less bombastic adventures, but I really enjoyed what they put out with season 2 and I'd be more than happy to go on that exact same ride for many more seasons. I think SNW has managed to let its characters breathe and live real lives a lot better than other modern Trek, despite the season lengths.

  • Jump
    fixed cyberghost's "meme"
  • It's funny that you had a short reply and they immediately proved your point by claiming you weren't engaging properly:

    Lol what are you even saying

  • Jump
    fixed cyberghost's "meme"
  • why is everything there a decaying flashback to the 1950s where everything is falling apart?

    It might be that the capitalist world power next door has had an embargo on them since the 1950s. And look at all they've accomplished despite that. Now imagine what they'd have accomplished had they been allowed to thrive.

  • Jump
    Star Trek: Dark O'Brien
  • That's right.

  • Jump
    Making something for everyone is so much more work than making something just for yourself
  • I discovered this when I started getting issues reported on my public repo for a personal project. Whoops haha.

  • Jump
    Behind the Scenes: Treknobabble
  • I'm a union man!
