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"i never used a computer again"
  • This might very well become a setting for an upcoming P&P Campaign from me.

    The hook: You have been mysteriously receiving packets by a host calling itself <the-connochaetes>. The packets hint at the existence of an "ΛℵϚ∃⌊ζ" cult running large scale brainwashing schemes. Will you heed the call and free the world? Or will you use the chace to increase your influence? It all starts with you joining this IRC: <REDACTED>

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    What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • I mostly agree with that, I would even go as far as saying that the reproduction quality starts to plateu with good $100 devices. A vast majority of the audio recordings isn't just good enough in quality for a good headset too make much of a difference. All of the music if you're using spotify xD.

    That said, I don't have a lot of things, but I consider the outrageusly expensive Sennheise IE 600, I typically wear 10h+ daily, worth it.

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    What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • Do you have to replace things with broken, End of Life or dying cells often?

    I notices a lot of things falling into planned obsolesence because "it's rechargable" and you can't replace the battery.

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    How do I flush this?
  • Is that common?

    Nowadays I just don't know anynore. I find toilets where it's swapped.

    I also want to say that I grew up with toilets where the bigger button is the one for your more common usecase - liquid waste. Oftern the smaller button is set up to push the bigger button as well - to clean solid waste.

    If using a new toilet, I always try out the bigger button first, since it's easier to press and typically uses less water.

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    If any animal bite could give you super powers, what animal do you want to be bitten by and which super power do you hope to get?
  • Octopus


    • Brain with 1 P-Core and 8 E-Cores
    • Ability to actively alter my own genome
    • Change color, shapes and roughness of skin
    • Overload of sensory organs
    • Unparalled Grip
    • Insane flexibility
    • Nasty Beak
    • Ink Shooting
    • Six Arms + Two Legs
    • Air + Water Survivability
    • Survives extrinction events with ease


    • Easily bored
    • Reduced lifespan
    • Tastes good
    • NSFW

    Dick might fall off after sex (can regrow) :::

    Edit1: Fixed Spoiler

    Edit2: Fill spacecraft with water -> No Zero-G downsides, radiation shielding, can withstand extreme accelerations (Synergizes with Flexibility and Genome Modding)

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    Do you agree with my unpopular opinion about rapier fencing?
  • To answer your question: I don't agree with your opinion, as I argue that body size is not a key metric when it comes to determine an advantage over another fencer.

  • I'm sick of having my pants rip and tear from light daily use.

    Preferrably available in Europe.


    This question is not restricted to online communities like lemmy, the scope also encompasses communities like small villages, interest groups (i.e. for hobbies) and political parties.
