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Venom vs Poison Pt 2
  • I thought I was on metalmemes for a second lol.

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    How does one know if a derogatory term or phrase is reclaimed?
  • Yeah, it's now a term that people request they be referred to as by others, not just in group.

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    What is your criteria based on which you feel something someone says calls for proof or not?
  • How do you determine when to call for proof or not?

    It could have "during a discussion" at the end, with or without "online" as further clarification

    I kinda assumed that it was either a language/translation issue, or trying to find the best way to express it due to some other difficulty.

    Not that it matters really, but it does mean that it's difficult to be certain we're answering the right question

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    Vegan Gaming Company Launches New Card Game
  • Jfc, did anyone look at the cards in the picture?

    That's so funny. Like, I almost died laughing. At the fact that the maker is wanting to show vegans have a sense of humor using this game.

    Also, homie gonna run into trouble ripping off cards against humanity so blatantly.

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    Anon experiences summer love
  • Then, ummmm, no?

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    Anon experiences summer love
  • A love story of a caliber not seen sense GREASE

    Summer lovin, happened so fast,

    I met a bug crazy for me/met a boy tasty to me


    She flew by me, she bit my... cramp

    He stripped for me, got my proboscis damp

    I saved her young, she nearly starved

    He showed off, splashing around

    Summer bugs, something's begun

    But, ah! Oh, the summer nights

    Malari-a, malari-a, malaria-a, huh!

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    Anon is an example
  • Very common.

    A lot of people, I'd even hazard to say the majority, want mutual possession to some degree. Not necessarily ownership, as in all freedom removed, but the idea that each person is devoted to the other, to the exclusion of any outsiders in some cases, but at least as a primary priority except for children being higher.

    There's been a ton of debate over the years, tons of money thrown at research into human bonding and relationships, trying to figure out exactly what "normal" or "natural" is for us. But, even among people that aren't monogamous, there's some that use, and find comfort in, the idea of belonging to each other, it's just that the non monogamous folks tend to have a broader range of what that means.

    It's similar to (or maybe the same as) belonging somewhere. You belong at home, it's the place where you are supposed to be, it's the default state. It might not be home for everyone, obviously, but the sense of having something that is akin to that feeling of coming home, of belonging, that's a powerful thing.

    As an example of non romantic belonging, to illustrate what I mean, I used to bounce at a drag club. For a lot of the gay kids that came there, that club was the one place they could really, truly be themselves. I literally can't count how many times someone said that it was the closest they'd ever had to a real home, a real family, and many of them said the only place they ever felt like they belonged.

    I know, for myself, no matter how much pain I'm in, what ugliness is trying to drag me down in my head, the certainty that my wife loves me, and is there for me, it keeps my head above water. I'm her's, she's mine, in every way that matters. We belong to each other. That's despite the fact that we're both free to end the relationship if we so choose. There's no slavery in belonging to and with someone.

    Shit, now I'm crying lol.

    But maybe that's as good an example as anything else. That feeling? That sense of comfort and surety, of knowing that there's someone right there that is such a deep part of yourself that just thinking about the fact is enough to bring tears of joy, that's what it's about.

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    Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • No, I'm saying that every religion is a cult. The only difference is whether or not people like them. They all engage I fuckery of the highest order. Catholicism is still top down cult, they just have numbers and history. A history of atrocities on a much greater scale than anything scientology has managed to achieve. It hasn't even been fifty years that gay people were even considered anything but scum to the Catholic church. It hasn't even been twenty since they were covering up child sexual abuse actively, and with knowledge it was going to keep happening if they didn't stop it.

    I'm saying that in the face of everything any given religion has done, none of them deserve a break for individuals unless all of them do.

    I'm saying that none of the people except the victim of Masterson's that made the public blame towards Armstrong were giving two shits about her. I haven't seen anyone I'm this thread that's said anything about scientology before this came along.

    I'm saying that that's bullshit. I'm saying that it's a bunch of whiny little piss babies jumping into drama they didn't give a fuck about two weeks ago.

    I'm saying that a witch hunt on the basis of a cult or religion is bullshit when there's no difference in them. Jainism, and maybe wicca have managed to not commit atrocities the last hundred years. And you'd likely find members of either of those that are bigger assholes than Armstrong has ever been

    And, again, where were the complaints when she was fronting a different band? Nowhere. It's a bunch of piss babies whining because it's a bigger band, and that's bullshit. Either she was a monster a month ago, or she wasn't. If she was, then where were the attacks then?

    It's hypocrisy. It's empty minded bullshit.

    Now, to state it again, IDGAF about scientology. Tear it down, ban it, IDGAF if they're all thrown in jail. Just don't pretend they're worse than any other big religious cult. And, unless we're gong to go back thousands of years to some kind of ultra primitive version of animism, every fucking religion was a cult at some point. All the big ones operate as such, the monotheistic organized ones are just the worst about it.

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    Do you ever get frustrated at your own creation?
  • The only reason it's obvious is that there's billions of people in earth. It's hard to find anything that there isn't a decent number of people that feel/experience the same thing.

    Which is no biggie at all, I didn't intend for it to come across snippy or anything.

    Hell, the only reason I even mentioned that this isn't best place is that once you get enough down votes, a post can get buried to anyone that isn't sorting by new. Reduces the chances of interaction.

    I'm trying to recall where on lemmy, and what the name is, for the "doesanyoneever" type of thing. I ran a couple of searches, but there's too many ways it could have been created the run through them all but there is one, and I could have sworn it was on, but I'm not seeing it currently. But I could just be missing it, I dunno.

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    Do you ever get frustrated at your own creation?
  • I mean, is this actually a question?

    It really seems more like a rant followed with a DAE at the end to keep form.

    There's nothing to answer here.

    Which is fine, but you picked the wrong C/ for it, which means you aren't as likely to get favorable responses.

    But, with that said, of course you're not the only one. It's a pretty common sentiment, particularly when people have some long term health issues (physical or mental). You go to enough group therapy sessions, you'd be hard pressed to not have any given group be a majority of members feeling the same. Same with many support groups.

    It's a thing.

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  • If it's a medical issue, you really gotta talk to your doctors. Too many interaction possibilities with benzos, it would be irresponsible to say anything else.

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    Ever seen a partially shaved raccoon? Now you have!
  • I mean, it's a dick move, but doesn't qualify as abuse imo. No harm would come from it by itself, and if the cat didn't object at all, it's not worth arguing about.

    But my grandparents had to shave their cat's tail for a few years. He would suck on it, and in the process pull out hairs, which would end up with sores where they had been pulled. So the vet said to keep it shaved down, if the cat would tolerate it. The cat did, and no more issues.

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    Some might say your gifts are shit
  • But what about indole? Nobody ever gives credit to indole

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    Banning Mastodon users on Lemmy communities
  • Migrating changes the account completely. There's a connection between the two, if the person chooses to do it that way, but they don't federate as the same account.

    So you'd have to ban the new account as well.

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    Would it be legal to crowdfund a licensed private detective to investigate a public figure and publish their results publicly?
  • The down votes are about not having done due diligence.

    Private investigators don't break stalking laws because they don't need to. They can do their jobs comfortably, from a distance, without any illegal acts at all.

    For the question in the post itself, they don't even need to have anything to do with the subject of their job. They'll be looking into backgrounds, digging through records as their main method. Most of what any PI does is digging through records.

    Even when they observe and record current activity of a person, there's no need to violate stalking laws the get the job done, because those laws are written with pretty specific language. With the caveat that the exact wording is going to vary by jurisdiction, there's no sustained harassment, or any direct contact at all during a normal PI job. Even photography or other records are made from a distance, and in places where the expectation of privacy doesn't apply. More important, they don't sustain that level of surveillance past the point where the case ends.

    Now, that's not saying that individual PIs don't cross the line, they probably do, the same as paparazzi do, though probably far less often since their entire job is expensive to pay for, and they won't be paid if they end up in trouble for breaking laws while doing something unnecessary.

    In other words, movies and TV vastly misconstrue what the job is actually like.

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    14 films that embarassed the blockbusters by making millions off tiny budgets
  • I'm glad you type in the list lol. No way I'm clicking on a buzzfeed link

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    Danny Masterson Accuser Slams New Linkin Park Singer For Silence On Scientology
  • No, I'm saying that if every single member of a group is responsible for the worst actions of their religion, then every Catholic, Muslim, baptist, jew, and any sect of Christianity is just as bad.

    Singling Armstrong out and ignoring the rest is bullshit.

    There is no religion on this earth, with the possible exception of Jains, that isn't currently doing absolutely horrible shit.

    And if you take into account past actions, anyone that's christian supports genocide just by being a member of their local church.

    I'm not saying Scientology is some kind of good thing, it isn't.

    I'm saying that all over the world, there are people that belong to religions that are horrible, but aren't themselves. There's people all over the world that go about their daily lives following their religion that they were raised in, but we're not putting the weight of someone else's actions on their shoulders.

    But somehow, because this is scientology, she doesn't get that pass.

    Why? Why is she any different from Garth Brooks being an active, practicing Christian? A religion responsible for the current wave of hate against LGBTQ people everywhere. There are musicians that are muslims, and I don't see anyone up in arms about that, and there are islamic groups right now commiting atrocities in multiple places.

    Like it or not, there are entire generations of people raised in scientology that are no better or worse than christians or any other religion you pick.

    So, why this woman? Why is she suddenly now responsible for all of it? Didn't see anyone raising hell about her for being the singer in her previous band. No, it's a bunch of butthurt children attacking her because it's this band, looking for any damn excuse to be shitty to other people.

    And let's not forget that this all started up when one of Masterson's victims raised hell at her. Which is understandable, what with the horror she went through herself. But Armstrong? She wasn't one of the people writing letters after seeing the evidence, she isn't on that list. She abandoned that ship after the very early stages of the generic support from scientology. Unless anyone has any proof otherwise? I've yet to see any, and I've been looking today.

    Let me say it again. If she's somehow evil for being a scientologist, then every single person in any religion (and they're all made up craziness) is evil for staying a member of their religion. If anyone of any older religion is given the benefit of the doubt at all, then she should have that same benefit given.

    Nobody has yet to bring up anything other than her still being a scientologist to condemn her actions. I've not seen any evidence of wrongdoing that she did. To the contrary, up until this explosion, nobody had much of anything to say about her at all, and Dead Sara wasn't exactly an unheard of band. They just dropped an album three years ago, nobody was making accusations of anything then, nobody was on the warpath about her fronting a different band.

    So, are we now going to start going after every religion? I'm fine with that, hold every single member of every religion responsible for the actions of the rest. It's a bad idea, but at least it's consistent.

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    Heatmap of compound curse words used online. (sourced from reddit: 2006-2020)
  • Where did these fucktards come up with this list?

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    Coleoptera 4 ever
  • There's a part in a discworld book about a creator "god" obsessed with making beetles lol.

  • This is epic




    In any language, this shit is brutal


    Because everyone should hear this at least once


    Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song.

    It is, however, unforgettable.


    Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


    Thrash in your face!


    I think my face is melting now


    Pretty fucking dope


    This is why I hate not being able to do shows any more. I miss this kind of energy and sheer immersive brutality.


    This may be the sickest cover of the decade. There's so much funk in there that the room you're in will stank. Just bloody amazing track.


    Nothing to say about perfection


    Like a great wine :)


    Been debating about posting this for a while because it's at the very edge of metal, moreso than their usual stuff. But gods damn, it's just a great fucking track, and sometimes barely metal is metal enough, imo.


    Lyrically dubious, but that fucking intro is beast.


    Not anything new, but one of those bands I never remember how much I like them until I run across them the next time and seem to keep forgetting to get any of their stuff. Maybe this will make me remember lol.


    Miss Jamie has some serious range in what styles she does. This is more on the pop end of things and she's killing it as always.
