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xaitax/TotalRecall: This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots.
  • Having worked on a product that actually did this, it's not as easy as it seems. There are many ways of drawing text on the screen.

    GDI is the most common, which is part of the windows API. But some applications do their own rendering (including browsers).

    Another difficulty, even if you could tap into every draw call, you would also need a way to determine what is visible on the screen and what is covered by something else.

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    Leaked Documents Reveal How Google Search Gatekeeps the Internet
  • I also wanted to mention that DDG doesn't really say what editorial changes they make to the results. I would like to see more transparency.

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    Leaked Documents Reveal How Google Search Gatekeeps the Internet
  • Only recently started using searngx. I would love to see more search engines implement their own indexing and ranking, instead of relying on other engines.

    But I am aware that making a good search engine is hard. Even with all their flaws, google and Bing still have the best results, which is why most other engines rely on their results.

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    Trump classified documents judge is target of more than 1,000 complaints, appeals court reveals
  • It's been 4 fucking years since Trump has left office. A regular person would never get his trial delayed for that long. If a trial can be delayed for 4 fucking years just because the accused is a powerful individual, it means that the rule of law doesn't apply the same to everyone. If powerful people are exempt from the rule of law, democracy is dead.

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    Denmark Made Home Buying Easier. America Should Follow Its Lead.
  • A much bigger impact would have tearing down all the stupid parking spaces and changing zoning regulations to build higher density housing. The urban sprawl is unsustainable long term.

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    CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • Having a curated whitelist would definitely be a good idea, but if it only shows information from a limited list of websites, that would make it a terrible search engine incapable of searching most of the web.

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    Germany has too many solar panels, and it's pushed energy prices into negative territory
  • The grid needs the supply and demand to be balanced for the power to be stable. Otherwise you get fluctuations in voltage and frequency which are both bad for anything connected to the grid.

    There can absolutely be an oversupply of energy. We need to either find ways to store that surplus energy, or use it for something positive like desalination or carbon capture.

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    existing wrongly
  • Jails are dehumanizing and horrible places. I would rather starve than live in jail.

    Not to mention how having a criminal record pretty much destroys any hope of ever getting out of homelessness. Nobody will hire you, nobody will rent to you.

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    existing wrongly
  • Standing still for too long? Go to jail for loitering.

    Crossing the street? Go to jail for jaywalking?

    Existing next to a cop? Arrested for resisting arrest, straight to jail.

    Have any money on you? Money is arrested for looking suspicious.

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    Laws of Robotics
  • The intensity of the red light should be proportional to the level of evil. You could literally put solar panels in those meetings.
