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Why Immigration isn't the cause of Canadian housing crisis
  • I wouldn't say it's THE cause, but having fastest growing population growth since the 70s DUE to immigration definitely contributed to the crisis.

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    Cities Skylines 2 dev stuck to launch date despite “potential kicking”
  • Also played a ton yesterday. Biggest issue I had was a small stutter every 20 mins or so when zooming in or something. Maybe with certain hardware it's having issues, high end cards or something? Overall I'm having a great time

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    Just an observation on game engines
  • Nah this isn't true. If you gave the devs a free month I'm sure they could optimize the hell out of things. The issue is there are deadlines and higher priority items. You can technically play cities 2 unoptimized at a lower fps and graphics setting, you'll have a much worse time playing it if features are incomplete and full of bugs.

    They simply didn't have the time to get to optimization

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    [How is your day going?]
  • I feel like this bot shouldn't post this around midnight North American time. Maybe around noon here then it'd be early evening for Europe.

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    Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy.
  • No, you're spending that increase to live. You leave the 1 million to generate gains and take off the top. In ten years that 1 million will have less purchasing power than before.

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    Very, Very Few People Are Falling Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole | The site’s crackdown on radicalization seems to have worked. But the world will never know what was happening before that
  • I know everyone likes to be conspiracy on this but it's really just trying to get your attention any way possible. There's more right wing popular political videos, so the algorithm is more likely to suggest them. These videos also get lots of views so again, more likely to be suggested.

    Just ignore them and watch what you like

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    Ranked: Role queue or Classic?
  • 100% role queue. Random don't have the coordination to assign positions and build a team in the short amount of time you have. Also with role queue you can really learn the ins and outs of a specific role which will help you climb faster. Just learn 1-2 heroes in all other roles when you have have to queue for all.

    That said, if you do queue for all, you almost always get 3, 4 or 5.
