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Anyone else getting bounced from mainstream websites with Mullvad VPN?
  • I'm having the same issue, and like others have said, using frontends Is a nice solution. However, they can be hard up remember. I searched for an extension to automate it, and found this. Seems awesome.

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  • Never stayed much past lunch, myself. Working in finance

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    FBI dossier reveals Putin’s secret psychological warfare in Europe
  • Fuck that red scare McCarthyism shit, and pretending like your imperialist overlords are not the main culprits of desinformation and propaganda in the world today.

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    CW: New York Times report finds israel systematically rapes Palestinians, sometimes to death.
  • All we have seen is decline. Imagine what it must have been like for our parents: continues progress. People in BRICS countries have that today.

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    France warns of threat to elections from Russian disinformation network with far-right links
  • No? I'm having a hard time separating actual disinformation and legitimate criticism being McCharty'ed. Eurovision is indeed legitimizing the apartheid state currently committing genocide, while my state is deeming protests Russian disinformation.

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    Mapping the world's salted soils: A leap forward in combating land degradation
  • All my friends fucking love slanted spiral channels with periodic contraction-expansion arrays.

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    Gabe looking good
  • The ease of access and availability of unprocessed foods, or food products without high amounts of corn syrup, sugars and other additives, is much higher in most of the world outside of the US. I can never stay in the US for more than a couple of weeks without gaining weight. Then again, it doesn't help that US food is fantastically tasty, either ♥️

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    Night on the El Train- Edward Hopper; etching (1918)
  • Good art is truly timeless

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    Hong Kongers Are Purging the Evidence of Their Lost Freedom, Human Rights Watch Says
  • Are there anyone that takes HRW seriously, especially when decrying non western states? This article in Monthly Review describing HRWs support for the right wing coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia, also brings up its less than flattering history of supporting Western human rights violations.

    Human Rights Watch’s deep ties to U.S. corporate and state sectors should disqualify the institution from any public pretense of independence.
    • Bernie Sanders’ Communications Director Keane Bhat
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    Bulgaria: Chinese rail maker CRRC withdraws from public tender after EU launched probe into it over suspected state subsidies
  • Indeed. Seems like EU is dead set on joining the US economic war on China.

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    Slava Ukraini
  • Who is justifying it? To be clear, I'm a pacifist and against all wars. I too believe in the self sovereignty of people. One can be against the Russian invasion, and for the peace treaty that was about to be signed spring 2022 before Boris Johnson came and put a stop to it. Diplomacy over bombs I say, but our leaders see it as economical to fund a war against Russia, so that Ukrainians can fight it instead of our guys. I think that's inhumane and unwise.

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    Slava Ukraini
  • Maybe, just maybe, it's not a coincidence that we're supporting Israel, but that we actually might be the bad guys other places as well? Just a thought, since your post is titled after the slogan of genocidal nazis and our role in the lead up to the Russian invasion

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    EU may slap retroactive tariffs on Chinese EVs as Commission finds evidence that China has been “unfairly” subsidizing its EV exports
  • Ad hominem, whataboutism

    There it is, the cry of the beaten information warrior

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    EU may slap retroactive tariffs on Chinese EVs as Commission finds evidence that China has been “unfairly” subsidizing its EV exports
  • And I say this as someone as far left as left goes.

    This is much like beginning a comment with "I'm not racist, but", with the inevitable horrible racism that follows. Your comment is such a gross simplification of history and dismissal of context, that it borders on the malign. For instance the number in your source says 15-55 million, not 55 million. The ideological broadside is very apparent. Facts not feelings, to paraphrase a broken clock.

    1. Yes, China had a terrible famine in the 60s, but far left people tend to consider it in context China's historical famines, as well as the many millions dead to capitalist induced famine.
    2. Leftists tend to consider deaths and consequences of capitalist imperialism when discussing foreign and developing nations.
    3. Today India is listed as a country in "Serious" risk in the Global Hunger Index, while China is of course "Low".

    These are just three aspects of context, of many, which you could have chosen to inform your comment. In stead it is perpetuating a US-vs-Them cold war, black and white rhetoric, making the West out to be exceptionally good, while China is entirely bad. Smart people smell the lies included in such oversimplification a long way. You run fast and loose with your facts, presenting allegations of Uyghur genocide as fact, while you probably know how the UN will not call it that, after long running and thorough investigations, a lack of evidence, etc. On the other hand, we in Europe are very much facilitating the ongoing genocide in Palestine, of which there is ample coverage.

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    EU may slap retroactive tariffs on Chinese EVs as Commission finds evidence that China has been “unfairly” subsidizing its EV exports
  • There you go again making blanket statements, giving you a look of either being a little daft and unnuanced or some kind of propagandist. "Nothing good", unless you count biggest lift of people from poverty in history. Imagine two people being born in the sixties in India and China respectively. Both are dirt poor back then. Today one will still be poor, still in a third world country, while the other drives EVs, get their power from worlds largest green energy infrastructure, has working public services, best train system, etc.

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    EU may slap retroactive tariffs on Chinese EVs as Commission finds evidence that China has been “unfairly” subsidizing its EV exports
  • I think it's hard to tell and would advise against bombastic blanket statements like this, especially on China. We're talking about one billion people and the world's largest economy, after all. Our ability to clearly analyze China is hindered by its own opaqueness, but one should not forget the thick layer of propaganda we in the West are served whenever we're talking about one of the so-called strategic adversaries.

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  • Aka, if the electoral system is rigged, just give up. There is no alternative. Unless of course you find yourself within a nation with a somewhat browner skin color. Then expect liberation and democratization by way of the bomb.
