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What's the most alarming thing you've done while drunk or high?
  • I was reading up on Aaron Swartz once before bed while hitting a weed pen and I had somehow convinced myself I was facing felony charges and had to go to court to fight jail time and I lost it... unplugged my computer from the wall and shoved my face in my pillow until I was able to calm down and realize my foolishness before going to sleep.

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    Should I join "free speech" alternatives?
  • Free speech enthusiasts are exercising hatred. Before non-hateful people realize this they sometimes conflate it with the inversion: speaking truth to power. Or sometimes simply "freedom" which isn't perfectly absolute when we live in a society. If you wanna witness hatred then follow the free speech thread.

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    I broke my flatpack
  • oh I do that all the time. tbh just alias flatpack=flatpak and you should be good to go.

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    The US Army is pushing adoption of Agile (2024)
  • and yet y'all are also gonna keep trying to use Agile too

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    I turned myself into a sickle! I'm Sickle Rick!!!
  • communism is doomed. you just single-handedly doomed it.

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    Tilde in /usr/local/share/applications~?
  • new tilde backdoor?

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    I had a journey
  • libertarian socialist

    idk about you comrade but I don't read from

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    Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Only because CTRL+F had zero results: Krita. Everyone complains about GIMP having a bad name and Krita is actually good!!

  • Neovim

    It behaves sorta like VSCodium but it's configured with a LISP.

    cross-posted from:

    > I just recently discovered TIC-80 and then Fennel. I was already liking Lua but now I'm hooked on LISP!! Here's my Neovim config using lazy.nvim, all written in fennel thanks to hotpot > > It's not marketed like one of those "template Neovim config repos" but it could be one of those if your heart desired. I based it loosely off kickstart.nvim.


    cross-posted from:

    > The math behind the game is atan2 which I use to get the angle from a thing to another thing: > > lua > function ato(from,to) > return atan2( > to.x-from.x, > to.y-from.y > ) > end > > > And then when you give that angle to cos for the x axis and sin for the y axis you get (x,y) coords that can be multiplied by the number of pixels you want to "move" in that direction. So this function assumes a table like {x,y,a,s} and returns new a new x,y multiplied by s for "speed"... > > lua > function amove(●,s) > s=s or ●.s > return ●.x+cos(●.a)*s, > ●.y+sin(●.a)*s > end > > > I use both those together like this to move the worms each frame. (This symbol: ∧ looks more like a worm in the Pico-8 font. If you didn't notice I like the emoji for variables 😋) > > lua > for ∧ in all(∧s) do > ∧.a=ato(∧,웃) > ∧.x,∧.y=amove(∧) > end > > > The astitue reader may have noticed amove allows one to supply their own s instead of the table's s... this is useful when you want to calculate things along something like a line, I mean the length of a worm. For example if we put everything together then we get this loop that, after a bullet () moves, checks every part of a worm (for ∧t=0,∧.l do where ∧.l is worm length and ∧t is each "tail" pixel) and if they collided deletes both and plays a sound effect. amove is given each ∧t but it's not actually used to move the worm, just to reconstruct it's body for collision detection. > > lua > for ∧ in all(∧s) do > for ∧t=0,∧.l do > ∧x,∧y=amove(∧,∧t) > if flr(✽.x)==flr(∧x) > and flr(✽.y)==flr(∧y) > then > del(bullets,✽) > del(∧s,∧) > if #∧s==0 then > sfx(2) > else > sfx(1) > end > end > end > end >
