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Abe babe.
  • Best part of being a guy is you can be so ugly you actually start being somewhat attractive. Like Williem Dafoe. A huge dong helps too. Like Willie Da...I mean Williem Dafoe.

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    Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites
  • I also used Spotify but it has a serious problem. There's no guarantee your contents will be always available. I had music there that, for whatever reason, was removed and I can no longer listen to it. Not to mention music that was never available there. I don't want them to control what I can and can't listen.

    Now I only use Jellyfin. It works great (except on Android Auto, but they'll get there). Sure I have to download the MP3 but you only have to do it once and then it will always be there. Just use spotDL and rip the music right out of Spotify with all the metadata.

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    Microsoft is bringing annoying Windows 11 Start menu ads to Windows 10
  • I'm in the EU and use Windows 10 LTSC so I mostly clear off of this bulshit. A few months ago I bought a cheap refurbished laptop to use occasionally and decided from day 1 it would be Linux Mint only since I only use it for the basics.

    A few months later and I'm surprised how far Mint came. It's so easy to use. Customizing it was a bit harder but nothing major. And to my surprise...even games. I threw a couple of games at it and everything the computer can handle would run. I was from the time where gaming on Linux was a no-no.

    When LTSC support goes, I'll most likely go full Linux. The only problem is the Adobe software but maybe I can fix that with a virtual machine.

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    VPN and tailscale blocked on hotel wifi
  • This advice is what it is, but I work in a school and Tailscale also seems to be (unintentionally) blocked. After a while I realized it was only the login server that was blocked. If I login using my phone data I can go back to the regular network and it works.

  • I've known Jack for a couple of years. He's kind of a loner but we always got along as we both have some geeky interests. We're both introverts but I'm somewhat more social.

    My girlfriend is also an introvert and when I introduced them, years ago, it was awkward at first but they got along pretty well. We hang out occasionally the three of us.

    Mostly we talk in a Facebook group, and I talk to him in private messages. A few times, when he went through a family problem, I knew (from my girlfriend) that he vented to her in a private messages. She was happy to help but felt the need to tell me and I was OK with it.

    When we do something at my house, I always invite him but he always refuses. The few times he aquiesced was because my girlfriend convinced him. Sometimes he disables all his social media and we loose all contact.

    The latest one has been going for a while. I tried to call him multiple times but he never answers. When my girlfriend messages him he answers immediately. We actually tested that when we were together.

    Lately he's been sending her messages trying to chit chat and being somewhat insistent. She felt it was very weird, specially after her seeing he never answer my calls. This latest time she actually confronted him about it and point blank asked him if he was mad at me and that it was all very weird.

    You know what I'm thinking...but I'd like to know your perspective.

    25 Ativistas pró-Palestina agredidas por turistas de Israel em Coimbra

    Manifestantes dizem ter sido vítimas de violência racista e xenófoba, ameaças de morte e pontapés. Confrontos físicos aconteceram esta sexta-feira à tarde, junto à estátua de D. Dinis, na Universidade de Coimbra, onde decorria uma manifestação pacífica.


    The title. I've been delaying long enough and I can't really wait anymore. I need a new GPU. I could really use some advice.

    Right now I have a GTX 1060 3 GB with a Ryzen 7 2700X CPU and 32 GB RAM. Mostly I use it for gaming in 1080p but it's not impossible I'll eventually increase it (but unlikely).

    I'll accept suggestions outside of my options but keep in mind the prices in my country are different. I'm not looking to buy used for various reasons (lack of warranty is one).

    My options are:

    RTX 3060 12 GB (290 euros)

    RTX 4060 8 GB (330 euros)

    RX 7600 XT 12 GB (380 euros)

    RX 6750 XT 12 GB (400 euros)

    RX 6700 XT 12 GB (420 euros)

    RTX 4060ti 16 GB (480 euros)

    I was really trying to keep it way below 400 euros. The 7600 XT is already a stretch but I could be convinced to raise the budget to the upper 400s for something with really good bang for buck.

    I appreciate the help

    UPDATE: In the end I decided to go for the RX 6750 XT for 405 euros but, as is my habit, I decided I should sleep on it. And thank god I did. The next day I went online and had already decided to buy it when I saw it was the store's birthday and they were doing some nice discounts and the 6750 was at 360 euros (limited to stock). I immediately bought. What are the odds?! She'll be here in a couple of days.


    My girlfriend started taking a Masters in a college this year. In her course the faculty have shown some disorganization and computer illiteracy since day one but the latest one...completely killed me.

    Besides their personal college e-mail, they wanted a platform to make announcements for all the course (20 students). I can think of a thousand ways to do this. Hell, even a Facebook group would be better. But no...

    They have an e-mail address (like Masters_name@college.duh) where all the info is sent and EVERYBODY has the password to enter the e-mail and check the inbox.

    That is it. I have no words. I think this is the most idiotic and dumb thing I've ever seen in IT.

    28 Black Sea: Russia fires warning shots and boards Sukru Okan cargo ship | CNN

    A Russian warship fired warning shots and boarded a cargo ship it claims was headed to Ukraine in the Black Sea on Sunday, according to Russia’s defense ministry.

    0 Black Sea: Russia fires warning shots and boards Sukru Okan cargo ship | CNN

    A Russian warship fired warning shots and boarded a cargo ship it claims was headed to Ukraine in the Black Sea on Sunday, according to Russia’s defense ministry.


    After 8 years, today I just deleted all my comments and posts. So far they are deleted. I haven't deleted my account in case I have to delete them again. Fuck spez.

    That is all

