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Why the wiki hosting website is full of controversies?
  • Could it be because fandom is made up of fans, the most argumentative people to exist?

    Edit: after reading some of the other comments, that may not be it.

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    What is your favorite mythological figure (of ancient religions only)?
  • Could you mean the book by Homer the poet, The Odyssey?

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    Would you join a fediverse coop?
  • I was thinking "Would I join you in a tiny building of scrap wood with walls made of chicken wire? Probably not."

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    "I'm afraid your secretary has already been promised to Queen Arachnia as a Supreme Sacrifice." - Chaotica
  • I'd like to be known on IMDB as 'Pinecone-fucker Steve', with no explanation.

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    What's the last Doctor Who episode/serial/book you've watched/listened/read and your opinion on it?
  • Jodie had the acting chops, but some of the scripts she had to work with were diabolical. I don't think the writers room method works for Who.

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    What's the last Doctor Who episode/serial/book you've watched/listened/read and your opinion on it?
  • It was Warring States, a Faction Paradox novel. Two women on opposite sides of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion investigating a mystery that gradually brings them together. I won't give away the ending. It's a good book. Tied with Of The City Of The Saved for my favourite Faction Paradox books.

    Faction Paradox is Doctor Who with the serial numbers filed off so some of the novel writers could take Who in a darker direction the BBC didn't want to go at the time. It fits in nicely with the rebooted series, though.

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    Chief O'Brien at Work #20 - Training Day
  • I like these comics, but man - I can't read more than one at a time or my whole day's ruined.

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    Bjork Says Americans Can't Be "Completely Surprised" By 9/11
  • Can we have a screenshot? I don't want to sign up to Instagram.

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    Rice and Beans with Coconut Milk Recipe | Simple & Delicious
  • I didn't come all this way for just a photo of your dinner.

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    Pockets 👀
  • 30
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  • Oh. That's disappointing. For a moment I lived a world where trucks can be ramped onto power lines.

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  • ...but how?

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    TIL: males have 25% more neurons in the visual cortex than females
  • My wife (presenting me with three identical carpet samples): "Do you like grey with a hint of blue, grey with a hint of pink or grey with a hint of yellow?"

    Me: "Trick question?"

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    Yuri Knorozov, Soviet linguist who was instrumental in decoding Mayan script, holding his co-author, Asya, 1980s?
  • Clearly they have both learned things mankind was never meant to know.

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    Charles Coote, 1st Earl of Bellamont - by Joshua Reynolds
  • There's a certain curtain-ness about his ensemble, isn't there?

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    MacConnell's bat or Mesophylla macconnellii. They weigh just 9 grams
  • The ears alone gotta be four grams.

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    What does this mean on Google Maps?
  • It means that for legal purposes Google is going to assume you stop for red lights.

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    how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • I believe he also had to go through the hell that is residency, I didn’t believe nurses do.

    Nursing education never ends. All the nurses I know are a bit loopy from the constant need to retrain and recertify.

  • Tesco's Laser-Etched Avocados to Save on Packaging Waste - Core77

    "Laser avocado" sounds like a Doritos flavor, but it's actually a packaging technique being trialed by Tesco. In a bid to reduce packaging waste, the UK supermarket chain is laser-etching avocados rather than using barcode stickers. And for their avocado products that come in twin packs, they're dit...

    I'm sharing this because any reduction in unnecessary packaging waste is good for the planet - and because I think laser-etching avocados is funny. 🙂


    I followed a Jaime Oliver recipe for curry, which started with grating onion, ginger and garlic. I liked the curry, but grating an onion is a miserable job. He said that technique unlocked the onion's 'sweetness'. How much difference do you think I'd notice if I used a food processor?

    14 'Reef stars' restored Indonesia's blast-damaged corals in just 4 years

    A community-based approach to restoration using an ingenious device can bring back coral reefs traumatized by dynamite fishing.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > 'Reef stars' restored Indonesia's blast-damaged corals in just 4 years


    I noticed that one of the monitors in the loom control room had "SKIN?" written on it in the dust that covered it. It seemed pretty mysterious and I was sure it was a detail that was going to be important, but it never came up as far as I noticed. Any theories as to what it's about?


    I've been on a cosmic horror kick lately, and what I'd really like to read is stories or novels of the awful and unfathomable on a spaceship. Stories where we go to them, poke what shouldn't be poked, scan what shouldn't be scanned, and things proceed from there.

    29 Membrane-Free Green Hydrogen To Chase Fossil Fuel Blues Away

    A new electrolysis system can pump green hydrogen from water without an expensive membrane, taking a giant step toward the $1-per-kg goal.



    • 1 can chickpeas
    • 1 can diced tomatoes
    • 2 tbsp water
    • 1 cup frozen peas
    • 180g/6.5oz halloumi cheese
    • 2 heaped tbsp garam masala powder
    • 1/2 tsp vegetable stock


    1. Cube the halloumi and set it aside.
    2. Mix all remaining ingredients together in a saucepan and place on the heat. Allow to come to a simmer, stirring frequently.
    3. Mix in the halloumi and stir until heated through but not melting.
    4. Remove from heat and serve with rice.

    I learned this recipe from a couple of vegetarian friends who eat it twice a week because it's cheap, easy and packed with protein. There's no need to add salt, the masala powder seasons it nicely.


    I recently watched a Wyloch's Armory clip about using painter's tape as edge-cladding for corrugated cardboard tiles. Has anyone tried this? Does the tape take acrylic paint well? If I let segments of tape overlap at the corners, how thick will it look?


    Those of you who've used both, what do I need to know about the difference?
