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Big Penny!
  • I cycle a lot around my city and no cap I believe that they fucking gift driver licenses in cereal boxes nowadays.

    I cannot begin to describe the enormous stupidity one can found on the road.

    (And not only drivers, electric scooters are almost worse. At least when I have an accident with them they are the ones who take the worst part).

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  • Here, after taxes and if you brought it with everything it costs ~1000€. That (and less) already gets you a decent machine nowadays.

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    Thank you!
  • Fr, the amount of times I found myself having to say "just half coffee half milk" because I forgot the fucking dumb nonsensical name…

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    They called an "emergency meeting" this week to solve the mystery
  • From where I live calling that «bread» would get me diswoned, disspossesd and awaiting for summary execution. By my own parents.

    Can't imagine how half of the western world survives with the aberration they call bread.

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    Linguistic Perscriptivists
  • I always punctuate everything and most people think I'm just angry. It's not that I'm a prescriptivist, I just take it as a game.

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    YouTube Binges
  • That sucks a lot. As I mentioned on another reply here it's not needer to take any debt in order to go to college. I forgot about how it works on other places, mb.

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    YouTube Binges
  • Oh, totally agree.

    Humanities are treated like shit by our materialist society. It's engineering or being a teacher.

    Also, I'm not from the USA so I don't need to get into perpetual dept to study which might be something yo consider.

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    YouTube Binges
  • College is overrated? How so?

    I think it does depend on the degree but at least here it leaves you with a far better prospect.

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    [river] The Majestic RiverWM - A Visual Symphony of Unix Purity
  • I'm a hyprland user (mostly due it had an upstream flake and worked at first try on my nvidia optimus laptop) but I really want to look into RiverWM. I wonder how well it supports NixOS…

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    Debian is a snail and its shell
  • Arch was my first linux distro and it felt like being dropped in Vietnam. It was hard but it made me learn a ton really fast.

    Not recomended to everyone tho.
