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Many people don't use the upvote/downvote buttons properly.

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility.

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    Openly political mods are the best mods
  • It's a pH test. If I'm too acidic just get rid of me. Otherwise leave me be.

    nevermind- pretty clear this isn't the place for me.

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    Openly political mods are the best mods
  • If that's what you think based on what you're seeing- just ban my account because my post history shows what I do on If that's all 'trolling' this place just isn't for me.

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    Louisiana authorities search for 2 escaped jail inmates
  • Honestly thought I'd be banned by now... but since I'm not I'll keep listening to you try to avoid dealing with being exposed as a closet bigot.

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    Bad tasting cookies Oreos are

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    What a frightening suggestion...

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    Louisiana authorities search for 2 escaped jail inmates
  • You cared enough to reply.

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    Openly political mods are the best mods
  • Yeah I get it- you're comically sensitive and think any form of condescension is uncivil.

    I disagree so ban me from your silly little kingdoms and be done with me.

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    I want Lemmy to explode with users and have a HUGE community. Exploring communities with 100 users is a waste of time.

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    Who is running this community?

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    White House signals Rafah strike doesn’t cross ‘red line’

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    A burger being "100% Beef" is not a good thing

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    Star Citizen Pushes Through the $700 Million Raised Mark and No, There Still Isn’t a Release Date

    Hey can you just go ahead ban me from any subs you mod? Don't want to accidentally get into chains where I get sanitized mid conversation because of your Pollyanna version of civility and obvious grudge against me.

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    Louisiana authorities search for 2 escaped jail inmates
  • Honestly love how hard you're working on being a victim here, genuinely impressed.

    But looks like lucky for you this is @JonsJava territory. That dude has your back against me no matter what you say.

    So good luck reconciling your identity with that casual bigotry. I'm going to dip out and go get banned from all the subs that guy mods.

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    Falling for keto and other anti-carb lies is as unscientific as being a climate denier.
  • Then you should probably go fuss at that other mod for removing the guy that removed them. Or maybe you're a lot like the mod that got removed. Makes you think... well- it might if you weren't too angry at an internet stranger to be very self-aware right now.

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    Falling for keto and other anti-carb lies is as unscientific as being a climate denier.
  • Yeah I almost posted a screenshot of them but figured that might be against the rules.

    But the removals got the mod removed so you have to wonder if my comments really deserved to be removed or if some prissy vegan mod just got triggered by some reasonable points I made about 'circlejerking' your dietary preferences they just didn't want to hear.

  • Everyone has a dream, /u/JonsJava has achieved theirs.


    Democrats don't even respect your most primal needs.

    I just want a 'dear leader' like the fascists have, is that so wrong?


    Rewatched this weekend and it's such a great film and I wish more people knew about it. If you love music and sci-fi you'll probably love this film.


    The idea that human personalities and behaviors can be sorted into two simplistic piles or even a scale between two piles is just silly.

    There's no predictive value to it- you can't objectively classify\quantify people's 'vertion' and then predict behaviors or outcomes based on those classifications, not even statistically from a large sample set because it's meaninglessly subjective.

    People are complex. Someone might appear 'introverted' in a social situation they're unfamiliar with, but in a different setting my appear 'extroverted' because they're very comfortable.

    And some will say "social interactions give energy to extro and take it from intro" but what the hell does 'energy' mean in that context anyway? If I go to a small party with close friends all talking about sci-fi I'll enjoy myself all night and feel refreshed, but I'd be exhausted after 30 minutes at a rave and need a week to recover.

    And do people migrate between intro-extro throughout their life? In my 20's I felt compelled to meet and experience new people all the time but now in my mid-40's I don't really care and tend to stick to the people I know. Does that mean I turned more introverted at some point? That's why even as a personality scale it's nonsense.

    It's all just Myers-Briggs for dummies, which is already for dummies.

    The only way it makes sense is as a description of immediate behavior, not of a personality. Someone may be 'behaving in an introverted way' but saying that makes them an 'introvert' is nonsense because they may go somewhere else and behave in an extroverted way an hour later.


    Not just free because you borrowed them but does anyone go out of their way to find books authors have released for free? If so where do you find interesting\quality titles?


    Almost feel sorry for this guy, working so hard to create an echo chamber all by themselves.
