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    Best practices in mounting NAS shares?
  • Dipping my toes into this as well. Would you care to share the contents of your .mount unit file?

    If I understand it correctly systemd generates unit files at boot using fstab 🤔. Probably not possible to specify the network dependency in fstab.

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    Window snapping
  • What if you drag the window to the corner or the side of the screen? Does it snap then?

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    I'm done with NextCloud
  • Glad someone said it out loud 😁 I've been running the snap for almost three years now 24/7. I works really well!

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    Docker + Nextcloud = why is it so difficult?
  • A bit of a sidenote and definitely an unpopular opinion coming up... The nextcloud snap is perhaps the easiest and among the most stable ways to run NC. And I base this on my own experience, having installed and tested NC on numerous devices in several ways. You loose some tinkerability and the performance is nothing to write home about. And yes I know - snap no good - Canonical evil. That having been said, If stability and easy setup is what you want, it's worth considering.

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    Recommended hard drive monitoring (Ubuntu server) options?
  • I just have a shell-script running daily that runs the smartctl short test and checks certain S.M.A.R.T. values and pings when successful. Easy and seems to do the job.
