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China to raise retirement age for first time since 1978
  • “The world’s demographic structure passed the point of no return twenty to forty years ago. The 2020s are the decade when it all breaks apart.”

    Peter Zeihan, The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization

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    M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • I’ve been using Brave search for a while as a daily driver. It’s usually pretty decent, but I fall back to google when looking for commercial stuff like local stores and products.

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    Need Help Bypassing Firewall Restrictions at My School
  • Yeah I wasn’t really thinking about obfuscating that he was using a VPN. Just assumed this was not breaking rules, and only thinking about getting around the blocks and having a working VPN.

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    Use Zotero
  • Guys, I have no idea, never had to write one of these. 😅 It was just a suggestion.

    I use GPT4o daily for work stuff. It often does the job pretty reliably. However all the inserting citation into the text would of course not work, seems that zotero that others are mentioning is made for the job and would therefore do it much better.

    It seems people let their prejudices get in the way of using LLMs like the limited tools they are. They are not AI, just a pretty decent guessing machine with multiple limitations.

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    Use Zotero
  • Here’s an example prompt;

    Prompt for LLM on Generating APA Citations (7th Edition)

    Instructions: I need to create APA format citations for my research paper based on the 7th edition of the APA guidelines. Below are examples of correct APA citations for different types of sources, followed by a list of sources that need to be cited. Please generate the citations accurately, paying special attention to formatting rules such as capitalization, italicization, and punctuation.

    Important Formatting Rules:

    1. Titles: For journal articles and web pages, use sentence case (capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns). For books and journals, use title case (capitalize all major words) and italicize the title.
    2. Authors: List up to 20 authors in the citation. For more than 21 authors, list the first 19 followed by an ellipsis and the final author's name.
    3. DOIs and URLs: Always include the full DOI or URL as clickable links without a period at the end.

    Citation Examples:

    1. Journal article: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

    2. Book: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.

    3. Website: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage. Website Name. URL

    Sources List:

    1. Smith, J. (2022). Understanding LLMs. Journal of AI Research, 15(2), 123-145.
    2. Brown, L., & Green, T. (2019). AI in modern education. Cambridge University Press.
    3. Miller, S. (2021, June 5). The evolution of language models. Tech Times.
    4. Johnson, P., Lee, M., & Black, R. (2020). The future of AI in society. AI and Ethics Review, 22(4), 215-230.

    Additional Instructions:

    • Ensure that article titles are in sentence case, while journal names and book titles are in title case and italicized.
    • For multiple authors, follow APA guidelines and use "&" between authors, with commas separating names.
    • Make sure DOIs and URLs are accurate and correctly formatted as clickable links.

    Once you have generated the citations, please double-check for consistency in formatting (capitalization, italics, and punctuation) and ensure that all sources follow the APA 7th edition rules.

    Thank you!

  • Decentralized Autonomous Communities

    Writing about some of the stuff I’ve been working on or thinking about, as time permits.

    A concept which aligns nicely with Solarpunk. 🙂


    This is the beach our 1st level characters landed on in our Eberron campaign. It's one of the islands in Shargons Teeth.


    cross-posted from:

    > Recently, I've been playing a fairly complicated character and wanted an easier way to navigate all the myriad spells available. I had a certain system in mind, and a quickness that wasn't available from the source site. I used an already compiled list maintained in a Google Sheet by Kyle Dixon to export to a TSV, then a couple of lines of JavaScript later, and voila! The perfect web frontend for all my spells. > > Check it out here: > > And it's available under an MIT license in the GitHub repo here:


    My incredibly talented wife is offering a selection of her work for free on her new website!

    She always has a focus on making art available to everyone by offering some of it for free. This includes #coloringpages, #papercraft, and more. It has been an absolute privilege to be a part of my wife's process. She has enjoyed tremendous success, focusing mostly on local projects in Iceland, like a card game that encourages young readers to read (, beautiful whale products which have been hugely popular (, and she recently held an art show. The reception of everything she has done these past few years has just been amazing! She has some of her work being sold in places such as Spilavinir, ABC Spilavörur, Whales of Iceland, Elding Adventure at Sea, used by the Reykjavík City Library in their #spilað_og_spjallað initiatives and much much more!

    I'm very happy to contribute to her success where I can. Apart from being a sounding board for some of her fantastic ideas, I have been able to assist in some of the more technically oriented aspects; most recently setting up the website. Initially, I built a site from scratch using #HTML + #JS + #TailwindCSS (, running on #nodejs, fronted by a #caddy server (, all in containers in Amazon Web Services (AWS). This allowed for absolute control over each line of code and every aspect of the site, but when it came to integrating payment providers, the available solutions required a bit too much effort so I decided to rebuild the whole thing using WordPress + NGINX + #Apache + Custom #CSS. This allowed a reasonable level of control with the addition of being able to easily integrate payment providers, SendGrid emails, etc. To track the metrics of the site, I deployed the very fantastic #ackee (, a privacy-focused analytics tool. It's awesome because it gives us the numbers we need without compromising visitor privacy, running behind a Caddy server, in containers in AWS.

    Check out her site; I'm sure you'll like what you see!


    Stumbled onto to this while looking at some art by, specifically the album art

    Was not disappointed.


    So I've spent a bit of time over the past few years trying to reason my way trough society breaking away from our capitalist overlords.

    Let me try to summarize some of my thinking as simply as possible; you start a second economy, one founded using Blockchain technologies and algocracy, with an utter focus on human welfare and ensuring resistance to tampering and unjust accumulation of power and wealth. You siphon the global population over to this new economy effectively stifling the old economy where the totality of the 1%'s wealth resides and is therefore rendered worthless.

    The above is by no means a complete summary and there are a bunch of other concepts loosely associated with this such as environmental sustainability, transhumanism, degrowth, fostering small communities etc.

    I've written about DACs, one of the components of the above here:

    19 Tangzhong for Bread Baking - Recipe

    Tangzhing is a roux made with flour and water at certain proportion. It makes breads softer and lasts longer without spoiling. Try making this and adding to your bread and see the difference for yourself. #bread #roux


    Recently while trying to get GPT4 to give me some clever info on how to easily make better buns I learned about Tangzhong. It's just 1/5 flour to water in a small pot and stir until thickened and drop about half a cup into your dough. It does wonders for my very simple buns and also awesome to add to Snúðar ( 🙂
