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Lemmy Active Users looking good
  • My hope is to have more small communities migrate here. Best part of Reddit was the small fan/enthusiast communities. Lemmy would be a good home for those 🤞

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    Dev of Shadow Tactics, Desperados III, Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew shutting down
  • I played a lot of desperados 3. You could tell this was crafted by people who cared, and not by a soulless Mega-Studio.

    I hope the people find other projects to pour their skills and effort into.

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    Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?
  • The thing about social media, is that once enough content and eyeballs are on a platform, it pulls in even more. Posters and audiences are drawn to wherever everybody else is, like a massive object draws things in with gravity.

    Currently reddit is drawing people in by its mass, not because people care about the platform. This can shift to lemmy, but it will take years. And dedicated posting😉

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    Danish government will introduce new law to ban burning the Quran
  • Yes, I am proud to say that it is. Burning the danish flag is barely a provocation. The law is intended to stop individuals from provoking or threatening foreign nations, who may feel differently.

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    Danish government will introduce new law to ban burning the Quran
  • burning the fucking Quoran is the right way to dispose of it according to itself

    Please link to the verse of the Quran you refer to. I don't believe you.

    Why is the existing law idiotic? What problems do you have with it?

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    Danish government will introduce new law to ban burning the Quran
    • it has to be passed in a democratically elected parlament. It may not get passed.
    • it is an extension of an existing law that forbid burning of flags (except the Danish flag Dannebrog)
    • book burnings are for morons
    • fuck you