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"We need warriors, gunmen, stormtroopers:" Russia revives Soviet-style youth indoctrination as it eyes ‘forever war’ with Ukraine and the West
  • The point makes sense if you’re inside Putler’s mind I’m sure; if you can’t win the game you’re in, change the rules. He’d rather be feared and no 1 asshole than being a mid tier economy in the western game.

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    Winter fuel payment cut could kill 4,000 people, Labour’s own research suggests
  • Yes, hold on, I’ll go and find my list of every policy reviewed against how many people it will kill.

    Of course that doesn’t exist.

    My point is that if you make the slightest statistical change, when you multiply it by 65 million, you’ll get something happening.

    Change how much fertiliser farmers are allowed to wash into stream by a millionth; give slightly more to councils to fix potholes; change what day of the week pensions are paid out; change the frequency with which airports have to check for moisture in their fuel depots; allow a new type of plastic to be used to reline leaky drainage pipes running under old buildings; change the percentage that side windows in cars are allowed to be darkened etc etc.

    I’ll give you a concrete example; in many countries ibuprofen isn’t allowed to be bought over the counter, but only after a consultation with a pharmacist. That’s because if may cause as adverse reaction if your stomach lining is affected by other medicines or illness. This kills people. Yet we happily keep buying it over the counter because it’s convenient and works better than paracetamol.

    Should we move ibuprofen behind a pharmacist consultation?

    Everything is a trade off when you’re dealing with 65 million people.

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    Winter fuel payment cut could kill 4,000 people, Labour’s own research suggests
  • Every time the government of a country with 65+ million citizens change any policy, even the most obscure one, people die. Statistically that’s just the way it is with that many people.

    I’m not saying 4000 is insignificant, I’m just saying the government can’t be paralysed from making decisions.

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    The air begins to leak out of the overinflated AI bubble
  • I’m right there with you. One of my daughters love drawing and designing clothes and I don’t know what to tell her in terms of the future. Will human designs be more valued? Less valued?

    I’m trying to remain positive; when I went into software my parents barely understood that anyone could make a living of that “toy computer”.

    But I agree; this one feels different. I’m hoping they all feel different to the older folks (me).

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    What are your best tips for finding quality stuff on AliExpress and similar?
  • The few times I’ve used AliExpress I’ve had expectations met in terms of product quality, exceeded in terms of customer support and disappointed in terms of promised delivery speed.

    I don’t get the sense most people are any different.

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    The air begins to leak out of the overinflated AI bubble
  • Argh, after 25 years in tech I am surprised this keeps surprising you.

    We’ve crested for sure. AI isn’t going to solve everything. AI stock will fall. Investor pressure to put AI into everything will subside.

    The we will start looking at AI as a cost benefit analysis. We will start applying it where it makes sense. Things will get optimised. Real profit and long term change will happen over 5-10 years. And afterwards, the utter magical will seem mundane while everyone is chasing the next hype cycle.

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    RustDesk: I Found This Open-Source TeamViewer Alternative Impressive!
  • lol. I AM the source. DM me with your LinkedIn handle, I’ll connect with you to validate my identity and you can tell anybody else watching that the story is legit. I don’t want to spill too many details in public as I don’t want to involve my old company in it.

    And in terms of “state controlled VPN” services, it’s not that the Chinese state runs honeypot VPNs for companies (though they most definitely do for their own citizens), but that to have a license to operate a cloud service in China, you have to enforce CSL and that means they get private companies, western too, to do their bidding. If you encrypt data, you’ll get a stern call (as we did).

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    RustDesk: I Found This Open-Source TeamViewer Alternative Impressive!
  • Of course China uses encryption. So an obtuse, direct reading of that statement allows you, correctly, to say the commenter is wrong.

    But what the commenter probably meant was “China bans the use of encryption that prevents the Chinese state from reading what is being exchanged” and that is confidently right. I’ve operated teams in China where we had a secret category 1 incident when it was discovered a couple of our devs had set up a VPN between a Chinese and a western service that didn’t go through the official Chinese-state controlled VPN services.

    They absolutely do not want data they cannot read.

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    What's your thoughts on Rustdesk?
  • The difference is that there is SOME accountability in the West and we can, to an extent, influence who leads us, especially in Europe.

    So if flagrant misuse does appear, there’s a much higher risk of it being discovered and of heads rolling in the west.

    Think of the number of exposed scandals in the West and compare that to China.

    And I’m not throwing shit China’s way and thinking the West infallible. I’ve been to China plenty and worked with awesome Chinese people plenty. There’s a lot to love in China.

    But let’s not get lost in whataboutisms. Where would you rather raise your children?!

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    With all the bad stuff happening in the world like politics war racism homophobia etc. What is some good news that isI happening that we don't read or see about?
  • We know that decoupling growth and fossil fuel is possible. The US and EU has had declining fossil emissions since the 2000s yet still achieved growth, also if you include outsourced emission.

    It can be done.

    Whether it’s done in time, or without large scale impact, is another question. But it’s possible.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots
  • Probably the opposite actually. Almost all white collar crime falls in under fraud. The crimes of the desperate, the poor or the wicked usually fall into a few, clear categories around harming others physically.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots
  • It’s fraud by false representation the U.K. Fraud is basically whenever you misuse a system for undue profit. The terms are very broad. “You know it when you see it” kind of thing.

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    Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • The moral high ground is often the losing low ground, unfortunately. I’d say Ukraine should stick to the rules of war (as should Russia) and we should remove all restrictions we place on our donations to Ukraine - and enforce a no-fly zone over western Ukraine, at Ukraine’s invitation. There is only one way to make Russia stop and that’s force.

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    How dare you use a text editor because it's easy to use
  • 100% Micro. Unless you’re only - and mean ONLY - living in the terminal, why would you want all your desktop and terminal shortcuts different from one another?!

  • Locked We need more EU workers, admits leading Tory Brexiter

    George Eustice, the former environment secretary, is calling for a reciprocal visa scheme so that under-35s can work across the EU and Britain


    I’d love it if client-side processing could collapse these posts into one.


    Given both kbin and lemmy are part of the fediverse, I would expect to be able to subscribe to by searching for ! - but nothing shows up.

    What am I doing wrong?
