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  • It's not the right wing that's trying to enforce stupid pronouns. It's not the right wing that was silencing folks on Twitter. It's not the right wing that was punishing "wrong speech". The left is way, way more oppressive than the right... of course you'll want to bring up the one single issue, "body autonomy", but outside of that... how is the right wing against free speech?

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    America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
  • How much money does the top 1% have and how much do you think it will cost to clean up the world? Those two numbers are not even within 3 years of global GDP dipshit.

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    America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
  • Jesus Christ. Do you know how much the US outputs compared to China and India? Educate yourself instead of following the group think. Seriously, the US is the only country on the planet that is actually going to achieve the Kyoto Agreement and we didn’t even fucking sign up for it. The US literally leads the entire fucking world in reduction of greenhouse gasses and development of green tech and you fucking clowns just sit here and bag on the rich… what a sad bunch of morons you are.

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    China's Evergrande files for bankruptcy
  • So you’re complaining that “regular people” are too stupid to move out of their positions? What the hell kinda free market do you think this is?

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    [Houston Chronicle] Latino community must stand up against Abbott's border policies (Opinion)
  • Let me say it again, first generation. The ones who crossed the border legally and spent 10 years and 10’s of thousands of dollars to do it the right way. Those people.

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    [Dallas Morning News] Gov. Greg Abbott signs law banning trans athletes from college sports amid Denton protest
  • Until there is and many non-trans women are hurt because of it. Being proactive is smart in this case… it’s happened elsewhere and thank god, Abbott spent 30m to get this bill prioritized. Simple legislation that got drawn up in a matter of days, swiftly voted on, then across his desk.

    This is nothing about hate, it’s about god damn common sense. Men are stronger, faster, and more agile than women… period. End of story.

    Would you rather there not be any separation? I’d be fine with that since Title 9 is a joke.
