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Starlink is increasingly interfering with astronomy, scientists say
  • Yes, starlink giving poor communities in the Amazon access to the rest of the world is good.

    Yes, starlink giving internet to rural people who have been duped, manipulated, lied to, and cheated about getting internet for decades is good.

    Yea, starlink undercutting greedy, corrupt ISPs with a service they had deemed "technologically impossible" and "financially infeasible" is good.

    Yes, innovation is good.

    Yes, internet access is good.

    I am sad that people with telescopes are slightly inconvenienced and have to add in dynamic filtering to correct for minor anomalies of satellites moving by every 10 minutes. It is so sad.

    But hey, look on the bright side? For your minor inconvenience, millions more people are now connected. They can get help when something goes wrong. They can participate in the modern economy and get access to more food and medicine. They can share their culture and learn from other's. Remote workers can be among them and bolster their lifestyles.

    So at the cost of a small inconvenience that can easily be corrected, the lives of millions are improved. I could write all day to this tune but if you can't see such an obvious thing, there is not much I can say to you. I can just hope any lurkers reading feel seen and heard, cause I am really tired reading the nonsense against such a powerful gift to humanity.

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    Starlink is increasingly interfering with astronomy, scientists say
  • Fucked up the sky for all of us? Who is "all of us"? Most of "us" live in mega cities with so much light pollution it blots out the night sky. Everyone in these horrid concrete jungles has high speed internet and absolutely no connection to the stars. Many of these people have never even seen the stars.

    The ones living outside of these cities are the minority, and now they have internet. An internet they have been promised to the tune of countless billions for a very long time. They see the stars every night. Starlink has not impacted their connection with the stars at all.

    So I am genuinely curious. Who, exactly, is the "us" you refer to?

    And why are you not rallying against the light pollution that has denied billions access to the stars for at least generations?

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    MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says
  • The "real" world works however the people want it to.

    As it stands, it works with laws that protect the rich and elite with superior rights.

    Someday, maybe the people will decide on a more equitable system. Nature and mathematics might be heavy contributors to that system.

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    MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says
  • Hacking a private corporate system, which is generally on closed nets and requires an internal actor / phishing, is significantly different from exploiting a code fault on a public network.

    Trustless systems rely on mathematics to secure their networks. This is both the revolution of them and the risk. If you build a system of value and it is on a public network, and you fail to properly secure it, that is supposed to be the risk. You lose money, hopefully go bankrupt / lose credibility, and a more efficient actor eats your lunch.

    Treating it like a traditional system with these unspoken legal safeguards when it uses a public blockchain and public network is absurd.

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    MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says
  • No.

    It is more like finding a gold mine on public BLM land. It is over treacherous mountains only experienced climbers can access. There are no signs or doors saying it is licensed to anyone; indeed, it isn't officially registered with BLM. So the climbers go in and take as many gold nuggets as they can carry.

    Unbeknownst to them, it was a mine discovered by rich and connected people who have cronies in BLM. Rangers go and arrest the climbers and say that you aren't allowed to climb, climbing is illegal, and taking gold from that mine is illegal because someone else found it and dug it, even though they didn't properly secure it nor did they put up any signs. They assumed the mountain was enough protection.

    This is closer to the situation.

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    MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says
  • So they discovered faulty code and made some money?

    Can anyone explain to me how this is illegal?

    The code is a contract. If someone writes bad code and loses money, then write better code - just like if someone writes a bad legal contract and loses money.

    The justice system is awful.

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    Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’
  • Did you really just link me to NBC news?

    How are so many people still plugged in to this nonsense?

    Do people really still believe that space age nations with access to AI, nuclear, and semiconductor technologies should follows the dramas of individual human leaders?

    Does this primitive practice really, actually appeal to people? Are you people actually real? You actually care about the sayings and doings of clearly theatrical and phony leaders?

    There is no such thing as a leader of 300 million people, you understand this, right?

    The dog and pony show of elections is a theater of puppets orchestrated by a global elite that owns the US government and most governments of the world.

    Do you know how easy it is to capture the soul of a single meat and bones, weak human entity with a family and a physical time and place?

    Do you know how easy it is to capture 10,000 souls? How many representatives and senators do you have again?

    ALL of them are captured.

    Most with money.

    The more stubborn ones, with blackmail. Some of them are so principled and stubborn they would rather die than compromise their values. But those ones have sons, daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and while they won't compromise for their own lives, they do compromise for the lives of those they love.

    You have no clue, do you, the reality of this world? You have no idea of the evil hidden in plain sight within the hearts of man?

    Your "government" fell a very long time ago.

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    Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’
  • You realize that people can also go vote for Trump too, right? Do you understand that? Do you understand that "go vote" does not mean your man is the target?

    Taking no action in a genocidal cult-for-a-government is better than taking action for what either side believes is the right side.

    Back off of fascism for a second and respect people's autonomy. None of us asked for be a part of this half-baked, misguided mechanism, but we have a choice to stop using it. You have no right to say otherwise.

    A no-vote IS a vote.

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    CNN's Burnett asks Biden how he is going to turn the economy around. He said he already has.
  • Little girl,

    You aren't voting. Go stand in line to cast a paper ballot that you can't verify is even counted for one of two hand-selected-by-the-elite, who don't give two schlicks about you or your community, and keep pretending you're "voting" for something.

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    CNN's Burnett asks Biden how he is going to turn the economy around. He said he already has.
  • Good for you for having a reasonable mind in defiance of the system and the countless, unfortunately brainwashed thralls that continue to support it.

    A no-vote is a vote against a tyrannous and oppressive system. Every 4 years is a new "emergency, vote for the lesser of two evils!!!" And every 4 years, we descend more rapidly into authoritarianism.

    Do not participate in this system created by slavers. Put your energy elsewhere. Can't we do better today? Put your energy into better.

    Attention is currency. Around the world, we need to stop giving these tyrants attention. Corporations have record profits yet the prices of food keep increasing, wages stay stagnant, mass layoffs are occurring, and the global temperature keeps increasing. They do not care, because they have hoarded all your attention and power, and they use it to make a nee world for them.

    Their "governments" that they make you think are actually yours, serve that machine of their safety. You are in the meat grinder, and they consume the meat.

    The grinder is perfectly balanced. Every vote for the side you think is benevolent gets balanced by a vote against it. You will NEVER have an impact on change within the system. The best thing any individual can do is STOP. Opt out of the system. Live closer to nature and form new, self-sufficient communities.

    A no-vote is just the beginning of opting out. The PEOPLE have the power, not a slaver-created mechanism they call a "government".

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    Why data centers want to have their own nuclear reactors
  • *unfortunately oil companies that control the entire energy sector, NRC, and most politicians have created a fictional State politics and news fear cycle, since nuclear energy is the primary way to eradicate their business and profits

    Fixed it for you.

    Friendly reminder that the government is a facade and is run by major corporations and nations like Saudi Arabia & Israel. The people have completely lost control of the government in the US. Voting is a construct hijacked to institutionalize hopelessness and release the steam of rebellion. It isn't voting when corporations choose who your choices are!

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    My experience and learning about my childfree decision over 35 years
  • I have a similar story with Mormonism except mine diverges. At age 28 I got a vasectomy. Years later, I have never been married and still don't have kids and am happily childfree, programming defeated, woohoo!

    Side note, and just to be clear this is not an attack: you have 3 kids but are in a childfree community. Why?

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    I did it. I finally did it. After all these years, all the time I spent searching, I found the last known fully offline build for Graal classic.
  • I hear you.

    It honestly is not that difficult a game to make now days, maybe I will whip up a new version?

    And by new I mean I would go back to the roots and make a multiplayer "Zelda: A Link to the Past" inspired project with players having the ability to edit levels etc. -- making the original Graal would be really straightforward.

    My whole teenage years were about that game, might be fun to revisit again.

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    I did it. I finally did it. After all these years, all the time I spent searching, I found the last known fully offline build for Graal classic.
  • Graal!!! I put an absurd amount of time into this game, and eventually developed for it. I remember how exciting it was when Stefan gave me access to the New World project -- it was actually very good, but the team ran out of steam and they dropped it most of it. What ended up being released was a hot mess.

    I remember I got a house on the river and snuck in a money hack into the server. As an event master, we had to use our own earned money to run events, and that seemed ridiculous. So I'd use my money exploit and run a ton of events for people to make the game more fun. It worked for a long time until Stefan found it.

    The original version was so good, it's what got me into game dev and programming as a teenager. What a cool nostalgic memory.

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    Tesla lays off 'more than 10%' of its global workforce
  • I understand your joke now, but it misses the mark here. A lot of disabled people tell people what they are and people question them and attack them for it, saying things like "well you look fine" etc, so it is a really clear form of ableism (which was the context here).

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    Tesla lays off 'more than 10%' of its global workforce
  • Hey, no worries. It happens to the best of us, and it's really big of you to admit that and recognize it in yourself.

    I wasn't saying he is autistic as an insult (I'm also a bit neurodivergent), more recognizing his disabilities and acknowledging that his masking may result in some socially unacceptable characteristics. It is also really easy to be misunderstood and then find yourself in a socially difficult quagmire. It happens to me all the time and I don't have a billion eyeballs watching my every move. I summarize this by calling it "dumb", which again, I don't mean as insulting.

    I do think when you create something as valuable as something like Tesla, you should be held to a higher standard and not jeopardize the mission as a public figure being controversial. If you can't contain that, then you hire people to lead the company who can.

    Anyway, I appreciate you. Thanks for the civility. We are all on this planet growing together, I much prefer being friendly, patient, and understanding.
