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Scientist warn 1 billion on track to die from climate change.
  • Half of what you say is true. But robots are expensive, in many cases way more expensive than child labours around the world. And while it's possible to have robots do grunt work, true AI is still far away, like several decades.

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    Studie: Golfstrom könnte Mitte des Jahrhunderts kollabieren
  • Und ich meine gelesen zu haben dass es auch trockener wird, also noch weniger Regen.

    Wird spannend zu sehen wo dann noch Getreide angebaut werden kann, das wird das neue Öl.

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    ‘I’ve never seen heat this bad. It’s not normal’: Italy struggles as temperature tops 40C 118f
  • I bought a portable unit last year and used it for the hottest days, as I was working from home in a small room which heats up quickly.

    I also bought it for safety reasons, we are for people in our household and in case a long lasting heat wave comes we at least have the means to cool down one room for the night where we all can sleep.

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    ‘I’ve never seen heat this bad. It’s not normal’: Italy struggles as temperature tops 40C 118f
  • Here in Germany not even offices have them. Well, most of them. AC is a luxury that no one needed like 5 years ago. 5 years in the future this will have changed, obviously.

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    Lauterbach versus Kachelmann - Was denn nun: Bei Hitze Fenster auf oder Fenster zu?
  • Kachelmann verallgemeinert und mononkausaliert mir zu viel.

    Bei uns scheint vom frühen Nachmittag bis zum späten Abend die Sonne in die ganze Hausfront (5 Zimmer). Bei über 30 Grad ist dort alles zu und bleibt es auch bis zum Abend.

    Warum soll ich die Hitze rein lassen wenn in der Wohnung in der Zeit um die 25 Grad bleiben? Das macht genau null Sinn. Aber laut kachelmann betreibe ich damit aktive Sterbehilfe.

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    Preventing and managing RSI and/or other injuries
  • Two things.

    1. And the most important one. My guitar teacher taught me that. Whenever I feel pain in my wrists, hands or fingers I stop, no matter what. I take a break, see how it goes afterwards and if it's not better I stop doing what I did for the rest of the day. Of course sometimes it's important work stuff that needs to be done. As for me, most of the times it's my right hand that hurts from mouse useage, I switch sides and get urgent things done, but still stop afterwards.
    2. Sports, as usually, building up muscles in my hands and arms helps me personally. Not sure if there is scientific evidence for that.

    But yea, number 1 is the most important thing, no job is worth having pain for the rest of your life.

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    Where do you go on Lemmy for reliable news and politics?
  • This is just wrong as a general statement.

    Across the world there are a lot of news sources that give their best to be neutral and objective.

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    How often do you brush your teeth?
  • Born in the 80-ies I had several cavities before I was 15. Nothing helped, then one day the doc applied fluoride to my teeth directly and I spent a lot of less time at the dentist since then.

    Using toothpaste with fluoride from them on made a massive difference.

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    100% code coverage is near-meaningless - but is there a good measure to use?
  • Additionally I like roundtrip tests.

    For example we have two data formats and support conversion between both of them.

    So I have tests that convert from A to B and back to A. Then I can go and call assertEquals on them.

    It's a very cheap test, that tests all functionality of the conversion itself.

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    Online dating
  • While I agree with a lot of things you said I disagree with pushing boundaries.

    People that are really interested in him will find a different topic to bond, it's not like music is the only thing on earth.

    Also it's okay to be the fun break, it's a chance to get feedback about that and realize you need to find a different social circle that fits better to your own life. Or figure you push your boundaries yourself if you really want to belong.

    But nobody has to fit in everywhere and if his boundary is his taste in music then who are we to question that?

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    [Solved] Is it possible to follow a kbin magazine on lemmy?
  • I had a similar experience getting my own lemmy instance into the network.

    Took almost a day and some crossspostings between and my one until everything synced as expected.

    Since then everything syncs basically instant.
