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The mysterious deaths of dozens of Zimbabwe’s elephants has been solved | Genetic tests identified a little-known bacterium that can cause deadly internal bleeding
  • god that sounds like a horrible way to go, the poor creatures. hopefully now that it’s identified we can do something to stop its spread.

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    Bizarre blip: Cases of fetuses with flipped organs quadrupled in China
  • wait so if these babies are functioning normally as this would imply then how tf do people know the organs are flipped? is this something you can see on the ultrasound in the womb or did they get their babies scanned for some reason? is this a stupid question?? i dont have any kids so im genuinely lost here

    edit: i read the article again and “ But, in 2023, the rate jumped to nearly 24 cases per 10,000 ultrasound screenings.” so it was indeed from an ultrasound. my b. leaving this here in case others are confused and stupid like me.

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    Star Citizen’s Squadron 42 campaign is “feature complete” after 11 years
  • you could put a copy of this game finished into my hands and i still wouldn’t believe you

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    He bringeth sustenance!
  • man that is a heckin good boy right there

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    Planning for your hike
  • hobbits are like the pack animals of their world tho lbr samwise had an entire fucking kitchen on his back and showed no struggle

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    Florida man allegedly threatened to shoot someone at CVS unless given 'all bottles' of Viagra
  • not to be that guy but if you read the article he also took the oxy, codeine, xanax, and adderall— but the viagra is the only thing in the headline cause lbr its eyecatching

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    Slack gets rid of its X integration
  • doesn’t shock me. it feels like everything on twitter is broke these days, way easier to just not deal with it.

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    I grilled steaks tonight.
  • looks good to me man, i’m heading over for a bite

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    Amanita Fly Agaric
  • eyy i know these guys from skyrim

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    Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached record highs in middle-aged adults, survey finds
  • 'historic rates of vaping, as well' it's not like we have a huge stretch of time to be making these kinds of claims lbr lol
