Nice, many people have a nvidia graphics pc. This seems very helpful for all non technical users.
I just use it all the time when I forget what I changed and want to make sure I’m ok with all changes before saving.
It is very similar to a command in emacs called M-x diff-buffer-with-file.
Hello, I wanted to share a small keymap I made. It lets you inspect unsaved changes in the current file. It uses diff mode, in a vertical split.
To close the diff mode, just press q in the scratch buffer.
lua vim.keymap.set( 'n', '<M-C-D>', function() local tmpft = vim.cmd.vnew() = tmpft = 'nofile' vim.keymap.set( 'n', 'q', '<cmd>bw<cr>', { noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = true } ) vim.cmd('silent r#|0d_') = false vim.cmd('diffthis|wincmd p|diffthis') end, { noremap = true } )
edit: I discovered that this functionality is actually documented in the help pages (:h :DiffOrig). It’s basically the same action but bound to a command