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What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • Telling 8th grade content teachers that they must modify their assignments to accommodate migrant students and English learners, and that just directly translating those documents forever wasn't going to cut it. Gosh there was a lot of grumbling in the room.

    I get it, we're short staffed and overwhelmed, but it doesn't make it go away.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • People, please don't just downvote with no comment. Why is this being downloaded? The comparisons to advertisements have validity. And, if you disagree, be productive and tell us why.

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    YSK to lose weight, fill up with foods low in caloric density and high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables. This can trigger satiety without the overload of calories and beats going hungry long term.
  • I'm pretty skinny, but I hate being hungry. I wish I were better about tolerating hunger, and it's something I could work on, but it's not a requisite skill. Just in case that's useful info for somebody.

    Ricecake's comment is great. Wanting to eat is also often not actually hunger, and being able to distinguish between sensations is a skill. For example, I always think I'm really hungry the days before menstruating, and I do eat more, but often it's stomach cramps and hormonal changes that food does not satisfy. You'd be surprised at how long it's taken to see that pattern.

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    What's the lowest caffeine amount but still tastes good/carbonated drink?
  • Their talking about divestment from and boycotting of Israel. I think you're being a little heavy handed? I understand the frustration, but as far as I've seen that's as far as the comments go.

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    What's the lowest caffeine amount but still tastes good/carbonated drink?
  • I'm also vegetarian, so it's pretty clear that we think about things differently 😂

    My one small part is something I have control over, but I understand feeling like a drop in the bucket, too

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    What's the lowest caffeine amount but still tastes good/carbonated drink?
  • It is useful information for me: I love seltzer, and I am in favor of boycotting Israeli products for the time being. If it doesn't matter to you, that's your choice.

  • Hi all,

    I'm attempting to change careers into landscape design/architecture, but I'm struggling to gain professional experience.

    I've applied to 4 different job in the field, interviewed at one, but haven't had enough "professional experience" to land any of the jobs. Any tips on how to proceed? I was thinking about keeping my current job while also trying freelance for very nominal pay, but I'm not really sure how to go about that either.

    For background, I've been at my current (unrelated) job for 6 years, took a community college class on AutoCAD, did a planting plan for a friend, and put together a portfolio (work in CAD, Photoshop, SketchUp, and physical media). I have some experience with plant nurseries, and a degree in biology. An in-person college architecture program is not option due to distance and expense, and I can't find any online programs. My portfolio gets compliments, but I seem to need more drafting experience.


    Hi all,

    I've had a 3a for some years now, and I like almost everything about the phone (though I sincerely wish they'd used more durable glass, holy canoli). However, the battery has started to fail, and I was wondering if it's worth replacing? It would cost about 80 USD to have it professionally replaced.

    I know the device is no longer supported by Google, but I was thinking of running GrapheneOS instead of Android, anyway.

    Any thoughts or insights? I'm far from a genius when it comes to cell phones, so I'd appreciate anything you have to say.

