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Be careful.
  • Win + R isn't the terminal but rather the run command.

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    Dutch government eyes emergency laws to curb migration
  • We'll find someone else to blame, like women!

    Wait, no–

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    Russian investigation confirms Putin’s son was born in Switzerland
  • As a neutral nation you need to have some way to ensure that neutrality as there is no NATO or other group of nations to have your back.

    Hence the military spending.

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  • Pretty sure it's sideways France in this case. It may even say GIGN beneath the flag.

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    Upkeep rule
  • 38
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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • The post is about the Steam version of Space Marine 2 shipping with Epic services. This was done for cross play.

    The initial comment I replied to was about "why don't they ship Steam services with the Epic version instead."

    I'm saying that Steam services don't exist in such a way (to my knowledge).

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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • I have expressed no want. The user I was originally responding to appears to want cross play not through Epic.

    Are you misunderstanding me on purpose?

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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • The post:

    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher

    The comment I'm replying to:

    Then make the Epic version include Steam instead of vice-versa

    My comment: I don't think that's possible because I don't think Steam offers their services/a mini-client in the way you're proposing.

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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • Yeah, but, the argument here was about including some sort of Steam client with the EGS version of the game. And I'm saying I don't think Steam offers a "stripped-down" client like Epic, EA, Ubisoft and others do.

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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • Games launching from Steam wasn't the point here. It was about games launching from Epic (or any non-Steam store for that matter).

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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • Correct. But what was proposed here was a game outside of Steam using Steam's services, which I believe isn't a thing.

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    Federal prosecutors charge a conservative media company took millions in Kremlin cash
  • Ryan McBeth mentioned in his video (13min) them not disclosing receiving funds from a foreign backed entity was, indeed, the legal issue.

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  • Damn catboys stole my converter again

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    Space Marine 2's Epic Games client on Steam is for crossplay, confirms publisher
  • But does Steam offer a "mini-launcher" to be used on other platforms?

    Maybe they do, but if so I've never heard of it.

    (Which isn't me defending Epic, just wondering if it is at all feasible)

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    Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations.
  • This is " People getting upset when an idiot tries to blame end users, instead of holding the people who created the problem accountable"

    Did Linus blame anyone though?
    No. He simply stated a fact.

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    Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations.
  • But that doesn't mean it isn't piracy?

    Downloading old Nintendo ROMs because the company refuses to redistribute them is also piracy, even though I would say it's morally justified.

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    Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations.
  • Its protection.

    From your point of view, yeah. Not from the point of view of the creator and the platform.

    Linus isn't clutching his pearls nor is he crying, he's just pointing out you are circumventing the method of payment to the platform. It is detrimental to both the platform and the creator. That is a fact. Your choice has an impact and you should be aware of that.
    But at no point did he say "you're a bad person if you use adblock".

    What has got you so worried?

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    Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations.
  • I really don't get the hate he got for that take.

    Circumventing the method of payment could be argued as being a form of piracy. From that point of view, adblock is piracy.

    Like them or not, YouTube is not a charity and requires the serving of ads to continue funding the service. You could argue about how they go about it, but it's a fact they need some sort of income to continue to exist.
    Same goes for YouTubers. They get a percentage of that ad revenue. And they also need some form of income.

    But just because he said so doesn't mean he doesn't understand why adblock is used. He didn't say "don't use adblock." He's shown how to use adblock before and since. He's also mentioned that buying something from their webshop gives them a lot more money than turning off adblock.

    Saying "watching movies for free is pirating" isn't the same as saying "you shouldn't pirate movies".
    Using adblock isn't engaging with YouTube on YouTube's terms.

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    NASA discovers Earth's electrical field at last after 60-year search
  • Magnetic field ≠ electric field
