Part of the problem is both Chrome and Edge come installed by default on the company's own products, and they have massive campaigns to keep you from switching, since user data is so profitable for them to sell.
It is up to us, the "person who does IT for the whole family" to beat back the other browsers.
Water, although it has other impacts.
They are too cowardly abd scared to do it in person. There was just an issue this last week where middle and high school students got anonymous text messages saying "Your body, my choice".
Gutless asshats.
Don't forget the voice over reading the whole thing like its not right in front of me... "This doctor needed to call the burn unit after an attorney questioned him"...
71MM to 74MM as of right now on CNN. Trump nearly the same number of votes he got in 2020, within ~30k or so.
Not true. We learned that apparently being decent, caring, and empathetic won't win against racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and hate.
Yeah, the news can't seem to get it correct, so i get your confusion. They also pronounce it "waltz".
Its really pronounced like "walls".
First - This article is conflating "shrink" and 'retail theft". Shrink accounts for losses including theft, but also accounts for accounting losses, damaged goods, and lost shipments. Theft itself is broken up into "external theft" and "emoyee theft". External theft was 36% of that 1.6% ($40B). (
Second, these statics are from FY2022, which ended Jan 30th, 2023. We won't know FY2023, as it is not over yet, so we don't know if it is truely "trending up" or holding steady - we have ONE (1) years' worth of data of increased shrink.
Third - shrink, according to their own statistics, ROSE between FY2021 and FY2022, yet FY2022 was on par with FY2019 (1.62%) and FY2020(1.6%), while FY2021 decreased to 1.4% - so, again... no "trend" of an increase. Also no "trend" of a decrease, for that matter. ( (
They even retracted their statement last month (
Further, if we take their own data again, external theft to be that figure above ($40B), and again use the NRF's statistics that cybercrime rose to an average of $4M per incident, you can quickly see how this idea of shoplifting being majorly problematic is erroneous. Moreover, the NRF lists shoplifting as only the third most important worry of surveyed retailers - in their own words, they are more concerned about shootings and cybercrime than inperson shoplifting.
Lastly, this all needs to be put in context. Taking the $112.1B adjustment as 1.6% of retail sales, this totals $7.1T... so, in reality, EXTERNAL THEFT (not employee theft, not product loss due to damage or shipping to the wrong place) was .00576% of total sales, and over the period of 2019 to 2022, retail profits (which are taken into acount AFTER things like theft have been factored in) have steadily increased up to the 2022 level of 5.9% (after skyrocketing in 2021 to over 13%) so even while they are claiming that retail theft is growing, even total shrink isn't effecting their overall margins. (,increase%20from%20the%20year%20before.) (,decreased%20to%203.3%25%20in%202022.)
Now - of course this is an overall look at retail - this doesn't take into account the individual annecdotes, or the massive differnces between small local retailers and big box stores, nor does it look into the differnces between online retailers, store fronts, and the differences in theft experienced by each (e.g. amazon is massive - are they over-representing both profit margin and shrink due to cymbercrime?).
It was on Fdroid for me? What app store are you looking on? Also, libretube is another frontend on Fdroid. A little more buggy than newpipe, but it proxies YouTube requests if you don't/can't use a VPN.