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Can we get the ten commandments posted in both US houses of Congress?
  • Cliff Stearns (R-FL) proposed a display of the Ten Commandments in the capital building (without the scoreboard lights) in 2005. The bill did not pass.

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    Lemmings do you feel like you are falling behind in your area of expertise?
  • As kids get older they consistently show that parents, even enthusiastic adoptive parents, are falling behind. Enjoy your kid while they are young and they will enjoy you when they are older. Let the OSs and computers fall behind, trying to keep up with the kid is far more important.

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    Can I refuse MS Authenticator?
  • Many work places require employees to bring their own tools (eg auto mechanic). Requiring a phone or tablet is probably legal.

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    How will dbzer0 handle IP subpoenas?
  • Saying "I pirated XYZ", though, is admitting to a criminal act, and can be used in court if linked strongly to a person through their account information and IP address.

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    Next-Generation Spaceplanes Are the Cutting-Edge Evolution of the Space Shuttle Dream
  • The current Dream Chaser is cargo only, but Sierra Space would like to build a crewed version that launches without a fairing. The cargo version launches inside a fairing with folding wings.

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    What can the US do to help Mexico finally stop the cartels?
  • I like how you use the word 'rich' instead of 'cartel' as if there were a useful distinction between them. They differ only on the scale of how openly they embrace violence as a solution.

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    *shots fired*
  • How is counting dead children misrepresenting what is going on? Dead is dead. When I say I want fewer guns it is because I want fewer deaths, gang members and depressed kids included.

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    Egon Scent
  • What government investment are you talking about? SpaceX paid for the first flight with their own cash. Launch contracts for Falcon Heavy were for subsequent flights. Heck, SpaceX got in trouble from the US government for the live stream of pictures.

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    Egon Scent
  • On the first flight of SpaceX's Falcon 1 rocket, a university satellite was the payload. Not only did the launch fail in just the first few seconds, but the payload crashed back. Landing in the shipping container it arrived in. First launches of rockets do not have good track records. Risking a silly car was arguably more fun than the equally useless "mass simulators" used on most first launches. If it were my satellite, I would not have wanted it on the first Falcon Heavy launch.

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    Prosecutors Tell Judge Trump Election Crimes Trial Will Have Whopping 150 Witnesses — Take Four Months
  • If Trump and his team could dream it up in far less than a month, mere mortals will be able to follow it. It's not really all that complex. Just f*** over the election counting process in a variety of ways.

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    If you don't mind me asking what is so important about privacy?
  • As written, the CFAA really does make violating terms of service become unauthorized access and thus a felony. Some courts have pushed back on this, but I don't think it has been clearly decided.
