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VPN usage in South Korea and Saudi Arabia
  • I spend lots of time in south korea and VPNs are fine to use. I primarily use mine for getting around region blocks or for added privacy when on public networks.

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    Any good Telegram alternative?
  • Just a heads up about people’s suggestions on signal. If you don’t open your desktop client often and it needs to be logged back in it will not sync your latest notes to self messages (perhaps other messages too).

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    What email provider do you use? Would you recommend it?
  • Mxroute with thunderbird as a client and mail on iOS for mobile.

    Unlimited domains and rock solid. Just don’t expect lots of hand holding the company focuses on making email work you have to sort out your own details. That being said they have good documentation.

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    What is a product you would never recommend?
  • A phone plan with a phone. You pay more over time and you get stuck with a contract.

    Buy a phone and get a plan from a MVNO. Your monthly plan will be better and cheaper. Also since you own the phone when a better plan appears you can just switch.

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    Men in their 40s, what’s one piece of advice for men in their 20s?
  • If you want kids, don’t put it off for too long. I waited till my late 30s because I was never ready. Here’s the thing you will never feel completely ready. As long as your life is basically stable (job, housing, and no serious issues) you will be okay.

    Kids are hard but super rewarding. If you have them young then you’ll get to see them as adults in your 40s. By the time my kids are adults I’ll be pushing 60 and hoping that I live long enough to meet a grandchild.

    People have successfully (shades of grey here I know) been having kids for a long time. You’ll never feel “ready” but rest assured you’ll figure it out.

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    Men in their 40s, what’s one piece of advice for men in their 20s?
  • Also regarding university figure out your reasons for studying whatever it is you’re going to study before going into massive debt for it. Too many people my age went to university a bit aimlessly because going to university after high school is what was supposed to happen. Then they spend the next decade or two kicking themselves about their debt and how they were naive about what they studied.

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    A local database with a command line interface? (sqlite?)
  • I think you would be better off using something like org-roam. It’s all text so script can still be used and it can be searched fast with ripgrep. Also org mode has loads of features that a homegrown system will never be able to catch up with

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    Self-hosted diary
  • Org roam could work if you’re your cool with emacs. Create files on the fly that are named with the date/topic and it could be setup to allow timestamps since you mentioned that. Notes can be linked to each other or easily merge or split as it develops.

    Also org roam comes coupled with a daily diary that attaches to emacs calendar system.

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    Beer recommendation engine based on my tastes and preferences?
  • I don’t know of any tool like that but would be cool to see. Especially if it had a region aspect so I can see beers available in my local area.

    Belgian beers are tricky. The categories are extremely vague and applied just so it can be classified somehow. For example Belgian pale ale covers such a wide range of flavors it is almost meaningless as a a guide other than the beer will have some Belgian characteristics.

    If you have a local brewery you could saddle up to the bar and pick their minds. They may not make what you want but they could point you towards places that retail what you want.

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    Is it that difficult to run Mastodon over Docker?
  • I found dealing with a mastodon server to be a pain in the ass. For a time I outsourced that to and it was smooth. The owner of that site was really helpful and knew mastodon well

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    Is it that difficult to run Mastodon over Docker?
  • I found dealing with a mastodon server to be a pain in the ass. For a time I outsourced that to and it was smooth. The owner of that site was really helpful and knew mastodon well

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    Is it that difficult to run Mastodon over Docker?
  • I found dealing with a mastodon server to be a pain in the ass. For a time I outsourced that to and it was smooth. The owner of that site was really helpful and knew mastodon well

  • Hey selfhosters,

    I'm looking for some help finding a selfhosted local only social network with mobile apps (for the less tech savvy).

    Basically my family lives all over the place and we want an easy way to share photos of our children and family events with comments and engagement. We are privacy minded and don't want pictures of our kids drifting over a social network. I'm struggling to find any software that is always local only and private.

    Somethings I have seen that seem promising but not quite right:

    • Secure Scuttlebutt Apps
    • Mastodon +Hometown
    • Immich
    • Just a plane old blog

    Hometown is almost perfect but it still allows for federation and that will be hard to teach some of my family about. Immich looks great! But doesn't have anyway to engage nor feed.

    Hopefully someone out there knows of something. Ideally it would have an interface like social media without the intent to reach the wider world outside of my family.
