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Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart
  • I don't care really for either side tbh, but an argument I've heard somewhat recently is; they are at least talking to that demographic, not calling them incels, losers etc. Again, team red can drown in an oil fire, but it's about the only thing that approaches making some sense.

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    Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests
  • Maybe, if the system taught more of HOW to think and not WHAT. Basically more critical thinking/deduction.

    This same kinda topic came up back when I was in middle/highschool when search engines became wide spread.

    However, LLM's shouldn't be trusted for factual anything, same as Joe blows blog on some random subject. Did they forget to teach cross referencing too? I'm sounding too bitter and old so I'll stop.

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    Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat
  • It's not so much the thermometer temp here in Louisiana. It's the 80-99% humidity. At these levels your body's main heat defense: Sweat - no longer works as it can't evaporate fast enough or at all. Then it becomes an insulator and a feedback loop of hell. Like being wrapped up in a wet electric blanket.

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    Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat
  • I can remember a few summers in the desert where it would reach 130's. And as a kid back in the early 90's, we had the hole in the ozone too. No joke we had ozone warnings, and no outside recess cuz of it.

    Plenty of summer nights were the temp never dropped below ~100f

    Strangely, we often got winter temps below freezing.

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    Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat
  • Lucky! I've seen 150 here in Louisiana.

    And even higher when I lived in the Mojave desert. Like, if you didn't leave a window cracked there's a real chance your windshield cracks.

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    OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • I had luck with increasing memory allocation in my php config for mine. Also having more ram may help if you have bigger files. Afaik nextcloud doesn't have caching like unraid or truenas. I'm not aware of transfer speed issues. I've also no issues saturating my 1gig connection to it either.

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    I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is a silent widespread issue for a lot of people. Had a battle with it a few years ago. Was tired no matter how much sleep I got, had negative motivation to do anything. Libido all but disappeared, and finally sought a doctor visit when I started have suicidal thoughts.

    Turns out I just needed more sunshine and 50kiU once a week for a month.

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    Protect your PC
  • This is what can happen dual booting from the same drive. If the windows bootloader updates it can override grub.

    Usually you can still boot to the Linux partition from the efi menu manually. Then you can find dozens of guides to reinstall grub to fix this.

    But it's likely to keep happening. Best dual boot setup is to have a second drive dedicated to non windows.
