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Wikipedia: Rotten to the Core
  • Is ... this a bit? I need another cuppa

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If reddit provides value to you, extract that shit. That's what it's doing to its users after all.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Hey, it's been about a year, and I'm totally not fucking jobless for about a year and a half, and that I've totally not wasted my time on contributing to open-source projects, and that I've absolutely not gone insane by sitting inside my room all alone, trying to work on side projects, which are still incomplete? Hahahaha, no I'm not weird."

    Don't listen to me if i am off base, but it sounds to me like you have a chance to talk with someone you have made a real connection to in this fucked up world and did not simply from shame. What have you done to be ashamed about?

    I feel like maybe you're feeling bad for not measuring up to some standard you have set for yourself, yet your passion projects show me you have been busy doing something you feel is important.

    Where is the wasted time? What exactly is it you feel you must have completed in this time to have it notbe a waste?

    I don't believe in the wasting of time, and i firmly dismiss the idea that you are what you do for a living, especially in this time and age where many jobs have had most of what makes them fulfilling stripped away from them.

    You, in the meantime have found a way towards food and shelter while working on something that matters to you, and you're keeping sane in an insane fucking world. Im not blowing smoke when i tell you to be proud of this. I envy you. Be proud of the choices you have made. You made them. Do not balk just because you believe the world will judge you. You haven't even given your friend a chance!

    We're all going crazy my brother, and we need other people more than ever.

    So listen up mister. You call him back right now.

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    Mentally Deranged Behaviour
  • (Jesus, you'd think I was high or something. Just riffing.)

    I am, maybe that's why I made it all the way down here ;).

    Might there actually be utility to something like this? Scrunch the spheres together but make invisible everything that is not an interface and label the faces accordingly.

    What if the labels of the faces on the 3D (pressure points or interfaces) were like things that kept the 'soap bubbles' from merging? Like for example: science watchers of MSM being kept from understanding climate change

    Is that what you were thinking?

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    What Is This, a Crossover Episode?
  • "aficionado" is the correct word here. We borrowed it from the Spanish. Oh but don't think i didn't have to look it up too (i had guessed 'afficonado')

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    Why I remember random line from a movie which I watched 10 year ago
  • I watched a horror movie (that i hated). But, a substantial part of the film had this song that was driving me crazy, tickling the back of my brain. Finally the movie showed the tv that the music came from, a 50s cartoon that was part of a classic cartoon compilation VHS i watched 40 fucking years ago.

    But i can't remember the name of that guy who's come in to the shop every day for a year.

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    US sets policy to seize patents of government-funded drugs if price deemed too high
  • Surely youre right, because the answer of whether they are too high is 'yes' for every drug sold in the us.

    I guess I'm interested in how they are using it, if at all. If Biden plans on reducing 'scrips in time for the election it could help pump his numbers up i guess? I'm just spitballing, cuz i can't see how it's gonna be used. i am too cynical after all these years to believe the poor get any breaks.

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    US sets policy to seize patents of government-funded drugs if price deemed too high
  • Maaan i wish there was some more info on what the white house 'believes' is expensive, cuz whether this policy could be amazing or useless depends entirely upon that question mark

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    Whats your such opinion
  • K this reminded me of a stupid story. I used to wait tables and i had this regular who would always get the same thing: 6 pickle spears and a bottle of mustard.

    Normally pickle spears and mustard's free of course, but she'd use half a bottle every time so we worked out a cost to charge.

    Oh! And for dessert, a towering side plate of reddi-whip whipped cream.

    I always wanted to ask what was up with that but never did. I wonder how she's doing?

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    Whats your such opinion
  • Time doesn't slow down when you approach the speed of light and the theory we're using to describe much of the universe is based on a bad premise, that the speed of light is constant.

    I don't care that I'm not as smart as einstein or that a lot of complex theories i also don't fully understand are validated by special and general relativity. I, an everyman, know better.

    I'm right

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    As a lefty it feels extra special when I get that glide finally
  • Do you have lefty scissors? I've never tried them before

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    The Narrative Evolves
  • I wonder if it was intentional on the artist's part to change the helmet after panel 2?

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    Over half of CD Projekt developers are now working on The Witcher 4, aka Polaris
  • It would be nice if they were good.... Anyone want to take bets that we see this before TES 6?

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    Why is Lemmygrad hated in the wider space of Lemmy?
  • Because liberals and other right wingers hate when they find out they're not actually "as left as you can get" and coming here and having that black mirror reflection is always a shock

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    Taste is subjective.
  • "Guac O’mole then"

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    Directors are turning to streaming to fulfil their epic visions – and avoid ‘bum ache’
  • I don't even need to click it. Every contemporary movie director needs to hire someone to tell them what dumb hacks they are just so they'll rein themselves in some. I haven't seen a movie in recent memory that hasnt had a good 15 minutes i could cut, as a layman, and improve.

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    GitHub - SerenityOS/serenity: The Serenity Operating System 🐞
  • I read "senility operating system" which is stupid and also probably the OS I have installed

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  • He's right. We should be working waaaaay less
