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Yemen will publicly stone & crucify 10 gay men in “gruesome public spectacles”
  • With all the respect i can muster, you are the one misunderstanding religion's purpose.

    They are not.

    If organized religion ever helps humanity at all it is through the good people it inspires to help, the good part of humanity it brings out. The people who focus on that aspect of its tenets would always be good.

    But the book(s) and the men who wrote them are as full of power and venom as any other book, and the very idea that one is special by birth is disgusting and small. It is a venal thought shared by the religious and nazis alike.

    The cancer is organized religion. There is no bad apple within its core to root, it is itself the problem.

    and while the world will never be rid of its mind stifling influence, i will never stop dreaming of the shining day we grow beyond it

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    nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe
  • and still expect $20 a hour

    You won't even get me to show up for 20/hr in 2023. If an employee can make that shit pay work for them the business owner should be doing backflips to keep them happy.

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    Surprised Pikachu
  • I heard from someone who uses a shit ton of tabs in Chrome which Firefox doesn't do as well apparently. But I've been a FF guy for as long as it's been around and i hate open trans so

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    F#€k $pez
  • Yeah, it's been a few months now and i have been forgetting all about the reddit drama. I was here because i hated reddit at first, but now im here because i like ur, not to prove a point .

    reddit has become a place i hit up when Google search leads me to an answer, like Wikipedia or something. I get it and I'm gone.

    Sorry Reddit, it's over babe! It's not you, it's me! (it's you)

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    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • But you never launched. I totally see where they were coming from about feeling attackedm i like where you started but you never went anywhere. Since you never made a point, it would be easy to interpret your unspoken point was to shame op for joking.

    Are you interested in taking the next step in this discussion? I would hear where you planned to go

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    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • I heartily recommend you waste not one more second on someone so obviously overrating their importance. They can't see you thru their hubris and arrogance, cursed as they are with dunnig-kruger. Come friend, drop them like a bad habit

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    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • I worked for the railroad years ago and it was brutal then. i still have nightmares about how terrible that job was. Most stress I've ever experienced

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    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • Golly, i was gonna ignore you but you keep showing me that you need my help.

    You joke, because you have nothing to contribute.

    says the man who only adds hominim to a discussion he was not part of. Can you show me where your arrogance springs from?

    And you are offering alternatives how?

    You forget your place, meat.

    You are not a supervisor, you're the same muck monkey i am, sitting down in the dirt. You're a wage slave, a mook. A gear for the machine.

    So am I. I’m so tired and angry, I have no recourse but to criticise you.

    Don't you ever forget what a worthless removed you are, how little your matter matters to the folks that actually have power.

    My mood doesn’t justify my behaviour you say?

    You fucking LARPer, you dont have power so you act superior in a place where no one can touch you... well i see who you are, so don't you dare forget your place here in the dirt with me.

    I know that pretending to be better than others is how you cope with how shitty the world is, but try not to make your bullshit our problem next time, k?

    Does that help? Do you remember who you are? That's right! We're brothers. We are all brothers here. Now please show me that you actually read this long yet important lesson and,

    TLDR; no, read it again.

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    36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • You joke, because you have nothing to contribute.

    Says you, hoppin in a thread to give your contribution of checks your work ad hominem... swing-and-a-miss!

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    we do a little trolling
  • I'm just a baby commie, but im pretty sure that mot giving a shit what flavor lies capital-captured publications will tell is praxis, so imma do it to make the governments job crushing dissent just a tiny bit harder

  • I'm working through the manifesto and i'm really struggling with chapter 3s Feudal and Petty-Bourgeois socialism section. It seems he's waxing a bit into prose, or i lack important historical context. Is there something i can read that will provide this? Barring that i would also love any links or recommendations to literature that helped you understand

    Oh and if this is stickied somewhere i apologize for dumb
