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American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank
  • JustZ is a kahanist troll and you're not going to get any reasonable answer from them. Here they've made up out of whole cloth an entire theory based on a bad faith interpretation of a common phrase to find a way to blame the victim.

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    Poll: Endorsing Israel Arms Embargo Would Boost Harris’s Support to 49 Percent
  • She doesn't need to support an embargo. All she has to do is to say that the US is going to follow its own laws. As a former prosecutor, all she has to do is be the law and order candidate.

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • My kid loved it.

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • Go check out your local bookstore. There's plenty of minecraft chapter books already. Movies are a natural next step. In fact, Jack Black read the first audiobook in the series. It's pretty good.

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    Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?
  • Does that include Israeli Americans? Because I don't think it does.

    Edit: unless they happen to be you know left wing ones protesting apartheid. Then they're fair game.

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    Israel Just Killed Another American in the West Bank. Will the U.S. Ever Respond?
  • Are you actually claiming there was no media coverage of the murdered hostages?

    There is a very good argument that the role of non mainstream news sources, like the Intercept, it to shed light on the news that mainstream media doesn't raise.

    If the CNN was blasting 24 hours the news about this American being shot, I'm pretty sure the Intercept would not bother either.

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    Let's call it what it really is
  • It wouldn't be such a tired cliché if Americans were not insisting on ownership of "football" without the qualification "American". Nobody makes fun of Australian rules football, Canadian football or Gaelic football, because they don't claim the generic term football to the exclusion of what the vast majority of the world calls football.

  • cross-posted from:

    > Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents

    Ukrainian group says it plans court challenge to prevent release of names of alleged Nazi war criminals
  • The difference between a democracy and an authoritarian nationalist state is the commitment to truth. The pretext that the descendants should be shielded is actually very very toxic. It is precisely what Germany has very honourably refused to do. People should know the truth about their ancestors. This applies to descendants of victims and to descendants of criminals equally.

    If there is an actual reason to not do this right now, the government should give a different but short timeline. They could say that they will keep the records secret for 2 more years for example. We can then argue about the timeline, but the underlying principle holds: in a democracy the truth should come out.

    That said, I am not convinced a shallow propaganda victory like this even matters. There is nothing new the putinist state would actually be able to say that it hasn't already.

    Edit: and in fact, by keeping the records secret, the putinist propaganda machine wins even more, because they can (a) say whatever they want about the content of the secret files (b) can say whatever they want about the extent of the files, and (c) can claim that the Canadian government is complicit in covering up for Nazis. Keeping the records secret gives control of the narrative to Putin hands down.

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    Netherlands picks Israel’s Rafael to supply upgraded anti-tank systems
  • Oppose war crimes, ethnic cleansing and potentially genocide = "satisfy the peanut gallery" and "optics".

    There's something wrong with your moral compass, buddy.

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    Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Continues as New Leak Details How Netanyahu Torpedoed Ceasefire Deals
  • Hey that's exactly the thing they've been doing with the settlements and the two state solution. Who would have thought they would use that strategy AGAIN?!

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    A remote Indigenous tribe kills two loggers encroaching on their land in Peru
  • Border guards successfully repel incursion with minimal casualties.


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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • I honestly have no idea how any Lemmy comment might be helpful at reducing the murders of women.

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • Wtf are you talking about. What a weird thing to write. I'm very much not OK with being murdered thank you very much.

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    Not one of them.
  • I'm going to be a filthy reformist and say "make billionaires millionnaires again".

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    Cager attempts to murder cyclists during protest demanding accountability for police cager who murdered pedestrian
  • The person going to the window on second 3 approaches the car after the car has charged the cyclist and screeching breaked during seconds 1-2 of the video.

    And even then the most likely explanation is that the person approaching is trying to tell him "hey man you can't go that way.

    Finally, you talk about "approaching the window " as some kind of threat. Only a perpetually terrified Karen would freak out for that.

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    Cager attempts to murder cyclists during protest demanding accountability for police cager who murdered pedestrian
  • The start of the interaction, where the idiot driver starts the fight is at second 3 of the posted video. The guy charges a cyclist on an empty road and hits the breaks. He could just have U turned and gone on with his day. But he chose to start a fight. What happened afterwards I'm sure is a series of unfortunate choices by everyone involved. But the whole thing would not have started if on the second 2 the idiot had made a different, non-belligerent choice.

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    Cager attempts to murder cyclists during protest demanding accountability for police cager who murdered pedestrian
  • The protestors were protesting. This idiot could have turned around but he chose to start a fight. Once a fight starts, well, it's a fight. The video is damning for him even more.

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    B.C. firefighters raise concerns over new stairway building code
  • This double staircase thing in Canada has always baffled me. A single staircase is the rule in Athens and afaik people are definitely not dying left and right.

  • Pavel Kushnir: Lonely death of jailed anti-war Russian pianist

    When a Russian prisoner swap hit headlines recently, a jailed musician’s fatal hunger strike went unnoticed.


    Discussions about scarcity and anarchism that I've seen online seem to always talk about "scarcity in the large", i.e. how does an anarchist society allocate production, food, labour, materials etc.

    I've a question about anarchism and scarcity in the small. Say, a really nice location, eg. a breezy location in a very hot climate, or the room with the nice windows in the community centre, or Bag End at the top of the hill. Say, an anarchist community has decided to use the location for purpose X, but a minority wants to use it for purpose Y. Maybe an even smaller minority wants to do Z, and a bunch of other people have their own little ideas about how to use it. Some are transient and could be accommodated (you get it on Tuesdays 5-7) but others might not be ("our sculpture project needs to dry out in that specific spot for the next 4 months, we know it blocks the view but it's the only place the breeze hits just right!") or could be contradictory (the siesta people vs the loud backgammon players can't both use the spot at high noon) or antagonistic (the teenagers who want to party late vs the new parents who need quiet for the babies). And dis-association doesn't really help here because that's the nice spot for many kilometers around or there is literally no way to create another beach for our small island community because that's literally the only place on the island where sand exists, so we can't just off and leave. (* Many of these examples are imagining a hot summer in an anarchist Greece, sorry it's almost August.)

    It looks to me like a simple non-life-and-death scenario like this could potentially completely poison and destroy a community and in the face of that it would be the little death of anti-authoritarian organizing. Like yea, when life and death matters are at hand, anarchists will band together and conquer the bread. But petty small-scale little shit where it's managing annoyances and small grievances, I don't think non-authoritarian decision making can solve. And I suspect it's crap like this that has killed off many intentional communities and experiments or made them veer away from non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian organizing.

    Have anarchist thinkers seriously thought of this?

    https:// /news/canada/montreal/housing-crisis-quebec-study-1.7240376

    Submitting for this truly astonishing quote:

    >" Landlords in Quebec, however, feel they need to catch up to other provinces as Quebec is still one of the most affordable places to live in the country, said Jean-Olivier Reed, a spokesperson for the Quebec Landlord Association (APQ)."


    cross-posted from:

    > Incapables de trouver du travail en français au Nouveau-Brunswick, ils pensent partir au Québec

    2 US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel

    Top US diplomat Antony Blinken said he was "committed" to working with Congress to respond to the court.

    18 Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint

    Mohammed al-Hajjar's wife Inas Abu al-Maza was held at a checkpoint, had her money and valuables confiscated, and is unable to reunite with her family


    Of all the countries that should be taking a stance... this one?

    The Armenians called, they are asking how the Assyrians and the Pontic Greeks are doing.

    16 My Berlin speech on Palestine that German police entered the venue to ban - and whose publication here led to my being banned from Germany! - Yanis Varoufakis

    Watch/read the speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress (1930s style) before I could address the meeting. Today, because I dared publish this speech here, the Ministry of Interior issued a “Betätigungsverbot” against me, a ba...

    10 Germany cancels pro-Palestine event, bars entry to Gaza war witness

    Police halt Palestine Congress, saying one of the speakers was subject to a ban on political activity in Germany.

    25 Germany detains Gaza surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah and 'refuses him entry'

    British-Palestinian medic spent weeks in Gaza treating victims of Israeli attacks and raising awareness about suffering there

    6 Une plaie de lit fatale pour un tétraplégique

    Radio-Canada raconte l'histoire vécue par Normand, un cas extrême qui met en lumière les souffrances de milliers de patients au prise avec une plaie de lit.
