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  • If you don't care about people's views, why should I care about yours?

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  • Ideally, yes. They should.

    But one of the issue of extreme morality like these is that deep down, everyone crave basic human desires. Reproduction/sexuality being one of them, and priests usually have oaths to fulfill.

    And when you suppress these craving for too long, I believe they turn into weird, dark and repressed fantasies. Priests grooming children is one of them.

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  • Nothing in excess is ever good.

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  • Everybody is prone to sins and misconducts, me, you and priests too.

    Sinners die and rot too.

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  • Jesus is an important part of the Bible, but it's not entirely about him.

    Overall, I'd say that the Bible provides universal guidance and principles in the affairs of human life. It's up to you to accept or reject the guidance.

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  • How about you make your own research

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  • Sometimes, being an asshole has its advantages and can be useful. If you fat shame a person, it could bring motivation to become healthier.

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  • I love your reply, and I agree with most of it. Mostly the second half.

    But I think your perceptions of God, Hell and Heaven are quite naive. I don't believe in tooth fairies and unicorns, either.

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  • Geez, it's obviously impossible to live exactly by the book. Of course, passages are going to be ignored.

    I think God is simply a mean to give people's life meaning and purpose.

    Any group, government, society, organization, family, community, etc. has their own rules and beliefs.

    You're choosing to believe in something, but clearly not religion. I hope you can still be moral and ethical, though.

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  • Maybe it is. By curiosity, I studied the Bible for many months, maybe years, without identifying myself as a Christian.

    It probably shaped many of my worldviews.

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  • Yes, I assumed it was about sexuality.

    Marriages and religions have been optional for many generations. Most of the time that I hear about religions, it's always related to some sin.

    I don't see much what else could it be.

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  • I believe you, but who decides who, and what is a decent person?

    How can I tell you're a "decent fucking person" as you say?

    I'd need to judge you. I'd need some sort of moral code.

    Wait! I might actually need something like the Bible!

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  • Yeah, religions and the Bible aren't taken very seriously anymore. At that point, I think it can be difficult to differ politics from actual virtue.

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  • You game me a bible verse, let me give you one:

    An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. Proverbs 31:10

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  • Well, maybe slut shaming can be a good thing.

    Just like fat shaming can also be a good thing.

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  • Why would my religion be bullshit? Are you atheist?

    I've studied the Bible. I think it's useful, but it doesn't answer everything.

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  • What else is it then?

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  • Yes, right. So courageous.

    As side effect, she's also promoting the decline of the nuclear family, because sexual freedom also means relationship instability.

    A woman that is sexually free also means that fatherhood with such a woman isn't asured because a man can't tell if the kids are his or not.

    This also means that kids are more prone to be fatherless, lack proper guidance and get into crimes and delinquency.

    I could get into more details, but I don't feel I'm in the right community to do so.

    Yes, the Bible and religions are restrictive, but they are somewhat useful and served purposes.

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  • Ah, I see. I just posted in an atheist community.

    My bad.
