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Swifties Erupt in Fury After Donald Trump Uses AI to Fake Taylor Swift Endorsement
  • You know she wants to see Harris elected, but I think all the conservative attacks earlier in the year may have convinced her just stay out of the fray. Now she has to come out for Harris because staying silent after this fake endorsement will lead dumbasses to assume she really does endorse the turd.

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    How a Far-Right Takeover of Georgia’s Election Board Could Swing the Election
  • Overturning the will of 80+ million people and the Electoral College with no Secret Service protection is a bold move. Once the national spotlight is on it will be a lot tougher to just tantrum their way though it, but I don't doubt they'll try if it's close.

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    Abortion is coming to the DNC and the right is freaking out
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) “It’s hard to even comprehend....”

    Not the first time she's struggled with comprehension, but at least she's aware of her limitations.

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    Mitch McConnell shares GOP's ‘worst nightmare’ scenario of a Harris-Walz White House
  • McConnell continued. "By the way, on packing the Supreme Court ... you may know this already. It's unconstitutional."

    Alternative headline 'McConnell Admits Packing Supreme Court Unconstitutional'.

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    US, India, Russia, Japan are building out wind power much too slowly for climate change, report says
  • So it says that instead of doubling capacity, which we did, we should have tripled capacity, when instead we developed more solar, because it was cheaper, and therefore more to efficienct. Personally, I'm glad to see we doubled wind capacity, and spent money more efficiently on solar. I don't understand why everything has to be framed as a negative. I think I used too many commas in that first sentence but I'm sticking with it. Honestly, you guys are lucky I'm proofreading at all.

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    'Avalanche' threatens to send Trump campaign into a full-on 'death spiral': analysis
  • I tend to think that once the media calls each state on election night, it becomes very difficult to move forward with contested results UNLESS it comes down to a single state again. If it's a toss up, they'll flex but if it takes flipping multiple states I think the Supreme Clowns will probably take the L.

  • This guy was on the Belgium float in the NATO parade in Norfolk today. He looks like he was celebrating another holiday too. !


    Toby and Hondo are neighbors and best buds.
