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[Community Challenge 53] Covert Cryptids
  • I knew it!

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    [Community Challenge 53] Covert Cryptids

  • Prompt: photograph of A yeti, dressed as a ski instructor, wearing a red coat, teaching little kids how to ski, natural lighting, shot with dslr camera --ar 4:3 --v 6.1

    Mr. Yeti has a rather successful career as a ski instructor. The kids are crazy about him :)

  • Prompt: fantasy movie, battle scene, a An insect knight wielding swords in a battle stance is in a castle courtyard, the insect knight is surrounded by guards with drawn halberds, action shot, wide shot, shot on 35mm film --ar 16:9 --v 6.1


    I don't like this new AR guide..


    Covert Cryptids


    snapshot, of A tall sasquatch in a business suit, wearing a hat and sunglasses, hiding behind a newspaper, trying to blend in with the crowd in a busy street, wide angle, shot with a disposable camera --ar 4:3 --v 6.1


    Crypto-zoologists have been looking in the wrong places to find Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and all those other creatures. They've been living among us this entire time!

    For this challenge create an image of a cryptid trying to blend in with human society. Feel free to browse through the list in that link, there's a couple of really fun ones I haven't heard of before. Edit: And here's another even longer one.

    Voting process

    Everyone can submit their image to this post. At the end of the week all images will be collected and shared in a new voting post wherein people can vote on their favorite image. This will be up for at least 24 hours before a winner is made.

    There are no extra points to be earned, OP will decide on a winner in case of a tie.


    • Follow the community’s rules above all else
    • One comment and image per user
    • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
    • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged but not required (we’re all here for fun and learning)
    • OP will declare winner in case of a tie
    • The challenge runs for at least 7 days from now on
    • Down votes will not be counted
    • Voting and final scoring will be done in a separate post.


    At the end of the challenge the image with the most votes, wins! It’s that simple this time :)

    The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone!

    Previous entries

    Centipede Express
  • Nah, that’s fine. I wanted to write out the workflow anyway.

    I wasn’t sure why you put in the URLs, so I figured I’d add some context. And yes, in typical me fashion, I tend to go overboard once I get into something :)

    Oh and Centibus is a much better name, I love it.

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    Centipede Express
  • Yes, those were the input images I've used.

    So what I did was first I created this drawing of the centipede bus, using the codex seraphinianus prompt:

    Next I used that as input, together with a style reference from one of my earlier posts, the snail knight, because I wanted to create something in the same mood:

    That ended up with an in-between kind of image that I reused as extra input to steer it further away from the drawn aspect of the original image:

  • Prompt: https\:// https\:// Fantasy movie, A centipede bus, cinematic lighting, shot on 35mm film --ar 4:3 --sref https\:// --iw 0.6 --v 6.1

    An attempt at bringing a codex seraphinianus image to life. The original is one of the prompt urls.

    [ Discussion ] Extra Mod
  • No, not really. You can feature the new challenge when you see it coming up, maybe deal with reports if they come up, but that’s about it.

    It’s quite relaxed.

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    [ Discussion ] Extra Mod
  • Congrats, you got the job! :)

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    What dessert or junkfood do you always keep in stock at home?
  • Oh I love raspberries as well, it’s just that mangoes are more chewy when frozen.
    Raspberries tend to be very hard and not as nice to bite down on when they’re straight from the freezer. But the flavor is great, no argument here :)

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    What dessert or junkfood do you always keep in stock at home?
  • Frozen mango pieces. I love eating those whenever I’m in the mood for something to snack.

    Not sure if it counts as junk food, but it’s something I always try to keep at home. Though lately they’ve been sold out at the supermarket. So I’m forced to fall back on my 2nd choice, frozen raspberries.

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    October 11th - "Snacks"
  • 2
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    VOTING FOR: [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • Hmmm, to be honest I’m not sure. For this one it might have been the location, but I don’t think it has ever stopped people from posting whatever they feel comfortable with before though.

    Maybe the challenge is too specific? Like it pushes people into making a pumpkin and therefore limits the possibilities? Personally I like the challenges most when it’s a theme that feels a bit open ended. Like in this case maybe if you phrased it like “Halloween but in a different part of the world” it might give people more room to think of a unique angle for them to create their image?

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    Teenage trans activists release 6,000 crickets on transphobic LGB Alliance conference
  • Wow, I really admire their bravery. That must’ve been terrifying to attend.

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    Wish me happy birthday? <3
  • Van harte gefeliciteerd!! 🎉🎂🎉

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    [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • I was surprised about that as well, it’s not like a lot has changed. Maybe it’s just a slow week?

    I’ve been quite busy myself lately.

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    October 10th - Nomadic
  • A day late, so I'm just going to post this one directly here.

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    [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • The voting page is up! Feel free to head over and vote for your favorite image.

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    VOTING FOR: [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • ✧✨🌿Allo🌿✨✧

    A place called Turtle Island... until the Europeans came; hence a juxtaposition of Native American and Technology~ together in harmony.

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    VOTING FOR: [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • Cloudless ☼

    I’m not a fan of patriotism and I don’t like to expose my personal background on Lemmy. Here is a pumpkin representing Mordor.

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    VOTING FOR: [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • merde alors

    ni dieu, ni maître and no countries either. Apatriotic terrestrial here. This web is "my" city

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    VOTING FOR: [Community Challenge 52] Patriotic Pumpkin Party
  • Thelsim

    Prompt: Photograph, of a Halloween pumpkin, made of delft blue porcelain, dark, dramatic lighting --ar 4:3 --v 6.1


    You can now vote for this week's challenge!

    • Voting will be open for at least 24 hours.
    • Whichever entry gets the most votes, wins!
    • OP will cast deciding vote in case of tie
    • Voting will end when OP declares a winner.


    Patriotic Pumpkin Party


    A Halloween pumpkin with a horrified face that serves as a poutine bowl. Melting cheese curds are coming out of its mouth, there are French fries coming out of the hole on top. Brown gravy sauce is pouring out of its eyes, nose and makes a puddle of sauce.


    It's october and Halloween is coming soon. I know Halloween is not celebrated everywhere in the world, and that's the reason I wanted to make this challenge.

    The goal of the challenge is to have a carved Halloween pumkin that represents your country, state, province or city. As I live in Quebec, I made sure my Halloween pumpkin had something to do with Poutine, one meal that Quebec is known for. Please in your answer, post what country / territory / city your pumpkin represents. The carvings could show a flag, your national animal, or whatever you think represents where you live.

    Voting process

    This challenge will follow a slightly different format. Everyone can submit their image to this post. At the end of the week all images will be collected and shared in a new voting post wherein people can vote on their favorite image. This will be up for at least 24 hours before a winner is made.

    There are no extra points to be earned, OP will decide on a winner in case of a tie.

    I hope this format will give everyone the opportunity to take their time and have an equal chance at earning votes. It can be a one-off if this turns out to be too time consuming or impractical.


    • Follow the community’s rules above all else
    • One comment and image per user
    • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
    • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged but not required (we’re all here for fun and learning)
    • OP will declare winner in case of a tie
    • The challenge runs for at least 7 days from now on
    • Down votes will not be counted
    • Voting and final scoring will be done in a separate post.


    At the end of the challenge the image with the most votes, wins! It’s that simple this time :)

    The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone!

    Previous entries

    [ Discussion ] Extra Mod
  • I guess an Australian timezone would work as well, you're pretty much on the other side of the world from me :)

  • As we discussed elsewhere. I figured it would be good to bring one more mod into the community, preferably somewhere in the American time zones. I'm usually pretty active but if there's one thing I learned it's that you should never make yourself indispensable. The other mods in the list haven't been active here for some time, though M0oP0o indicated he'll be back in a month or so.

    Basically what I'm looking for is someone who is active in this community, likes to help along with the challenges when necessary, and can react to the occasional report. Experience is not a requirement, this is a relaxed community and it doesn't require a lot of your time.

    So, let me know if you're interested below. I'll consider anyone who has a solid history of posting in this community.


    Not exactly how I wanted it to turn out, but good enough I guess..


    Family summer vacations, at least my dad had a good time :)

    Not pictured: my mom and little brother lagging even further behind.



    You can now vote for this week's challenge!

    • Voting will be open for at least 24 hours.
    • Whichever entry gets the most votes, wins!
    • OP will cast deciding vote in case of tie
    • Voting will end when OP declares a winner.


    Prompt: 2d illustration, low angle, A girl holding up an umbrella, wearing rain boots, looking at the camera with wide surprised eyes, around her hundreds of frogs are falling from the sky, it’s raining frogs in a storm --ar 4:3 --v 6.1


    Oh no, the gods are real and they are pissed! Every single god that has ever existed has suddenly decided to take action and is busy with smiting and casting plagues for whatever petty reason they can think of. This week's challenge is for you to create your own vision of whatever mean, silly or ironic punishment a god might inflict on the world below. Choose a god (or make up one of your own) and decide on a fitting form of divine punishment for whatever reason you can think of. From the classical swarms of locusts, to the weirdly specific finding-mice-in-your-mustache-if-your-name-is-Alan kind of curses. Gods are petty and pretty much take offense to anything :)


    This challenge will follow a slightly different format. Everyone can submit their image to this post. At the end of the week all images will be collected and shared in a new voting post wherein people can vote on their favorite image. This will be up for at least 24 hours before a winner is made. There are no extra points to be earned, OP will decide on a winner in case of a tie.

    I hope this format will give everyone the opportunity to take their time and have an equal chance at earning votes. It can be a one-off if this turns out to be too time consuming or impractical.


    • Follow the community’s rules above all else
    • One comment and image per user
    • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
    • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged but not required (we’re all here for fun and learning)
    • OP will declare winner in case of a tie
    • The challenge runs for at least 7 days from now on
    • Down votes will not be counted
    • Voting and final scoring will be done in a separate post.


    At the end of the challenge the image with the most votes, wins! It's that simple this time :)

    The winner gets to pick the next theme. As always, have fun everyone! Previous entries


    It's so hard to think of something exotic, what's exotic to me is dead normal to someone else. In the end I decided orchids are exotic to me, and I always want to try and draw one.. so there :)


    I love the expression on his face :)

    >The Utrecht painter Johannes Moreelse worked for a few years in Rome, where he was influenced by the paintings of Caravaggio. He painted scenes in the style of Caravaggio, with unidealised half-length figures and big contrasts between light and dark.

    >The grinning man in this painting represents Democritus, the laughing philosopher. He is laughing at the vanity of mankind and the transience of the world. Democritus forms a pair with Heraclitus, the weeping philosopher. Moreelse made several versions of the two philosophers.

    Museum info:


    Thought I’d try to make a map. It’s a lot more work than I anticipated :)
