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Sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky is moving from science fiction to reality
  • By "gamergate harassment" I mean the campaign of criticism and harassment that was primarily focused on several prominent women in the gaming/media industry from about 2014-2015. Thunderf00t was particularly focused on Anita Sarkeesian, making dozens of videos about her and bringing her up frequently in unrelated videos over the course of multiple years. He helped create a climate where people felt the need to threaten and doxx others because they were feminists and "SJWs".

    I certainly agree with your view of opinion channels, take everything with a grain of salt unless it has a source. Even then, make sure the source is legitimate and not manipulated before assuming it is correct. I do not mean to say he is wrong about everything, just to apply some extra skepticism to his opinions and ideas. Particularly when it comes to stuff outside the scientific sphere.

    hbomberguy made a good video about some of the stuff he closer to when it was happening. It is primarially focused on Thunderf00t's reactions to the Ghostbusters trailer, but it does go a bit into the gamergate stuff. It gives a good idea as to what kind of videos he made on gamergate. It's largely opinions though, so be sure to approach it critically as well.

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    Sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky is moving from science fiction to reality
  • While it appears he actually has credentials related to this topic I would be way of promoting him in particular. Giving more light to someone who was so deeply entrenched in the gamergate harassment campaigns is not a good thing. I took a quick look around and while it seems like he's stepped away from that kind of commentary I haven't seen any acknowledgement of what he did.

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    Season 22 Weapons Preview
  • IMO it depends on the kind of double special you use. If it involves a trace rifle you'll probably be fine, but you might need to be a little more careful ammo wise. Stuff like Izanagi+Forbearance will become much more difficult, if not impossible to run though.
