That's fine unless you are buying well in advance and need to know it will still be good by the event. It will also prevent a customer like myself from noticing an item still on the shelf is a week past the sell-by date and should have been removed. Sealed cartons and other packaging prevents us from actually seeing the food, so someone could get home and open it and find it spoilt, wasting their money. "If it's being sold at the store, it's fine" is a mighty optimistic view of commerce. Even at a very well -run store I've found several packages of sliced Jarlsberg with mold inside, well before the date. And I received one with worse mold from a different grocery delivery. That's a Jarlsberg problem. I check them carefully, the delivery shopper didn't. He assumed if it was being sold in the store it was fine.
Mine goes in the dishwasher after you reverse-press the fibers into the trash. I do peel the garlic first.
Now to be fair, I hate chunks of garlic, I just want some garlic flavor in the food if it's supposed to be there. So I'm never going to just smash or coarsely chop it. I'm also a garlic-sweater so I don't use garlic at all if it isn't necessary for the dish. But some delicious foods require it, and I just have to try to plan them so I don't have something important the next day.
You just flip the handle over and press the little nubbins backwards through the holes to push out the woody gunk into the trash. If it doesn't fall completely out a gentle whack on the side of the can knocks it out. It's all fibrous and doesn't have much flavor.
I see compliance with the purpose of mattresses. The y didn't build forts or a maze with them. They protected them with sheets. And it doesn't sound like they even used them for sex. Mattresses exist to be slept on, they complied.
Let it sit for a few minutes so the hot pickle innards can transfer their heat into the hotdog. Then the whole thing is just nice and warm.
Some BBQ places around here serve breaded fried pickle slices, they're too salty for me but people like them.
"You're the fuckwad that took the splinter out of my foot but didn't clean the wound. It got infected so I was too slow to avoid being captured. The zoo cured me, but now I'm locked up in here for the rest of my life with Ugly Karen and Stupid Marge trying to get me to mate with them. Die, you worthless piece of shit!"
I wonder, does this indicate monarch larvae are colorblind, or just that there were no green plants near enough when the time came to pupate? Or maybe it's relying on predators to know monarchs taste yucky....
May I mention that I've never heard "Jose" spoken without a Spanish pronunciation? Does anyone say it to rhyme with chose or dose?
Expensive cat toy not hehe
Ponytail holder hehe
You know, in my jealousy about the capacious pockets in men's pants, I never thought about how they must weigh the pants down when they're full of keys and wallet and phone and tampons and condoms and stuff. No wonder y'all need belts!
Except there are people who don't need to have any income for the rest of their lives, could just break even or lose a little, because the wealth they already have is so huge. That doesn't feel completely fair and equal.
But if the post is almost a day old, do you really want or expect to be "top voted"? Hasn't someone already expressed your general point of view, maybe in slightly different words?
One thing I'm liking about Lemmy is the sorting options Top Hour, Top Six Hours, Top Twelve Hours. Helps keep the feed fresh especially with my smaller subscriptions not getting lost below the trending topics I might not care much about or that feel already discussed to death.
This goes double for human good girls.
And somehow there's always so many more ways to be called "bad" than "good."
Personally I'm just sorting by Subscribed, Top/Hour to exclude the popular local content that's not of interest to me. For instance no sportsball or gaming, nothing against but I don't care and I need more room for cats, otters, and beby elephants.