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What are your opionions on fortnite?
  • Friend of mine played enemy territory competitively. They turned the graphics all the way down so grass and smoke didn't get in the way of their field of vision.

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  • Ok, can someone please explain the bread to me? I sometimes go to Austria on holiday and every time there's this bread on t.v. floating in space or doing other silly boring stuff. This goes on all throughout the night. I can turn on the t.v. at 4 a.m. and the bread will be there...

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    Kim Dotcom to be extradited from New Zealand to US
  • "Making money with other people's content is shitty"

    What reddit, xitter, meta and pretty every big corporation is doing right now with A.I.?

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    Dutch beach volleyball player convicted of rape says he considered quitting the Olympics
  • Not condoning what he did in any way, shape or form, but Dutch TV adds a little more nuance not covered in foreign press:

    It was explained that this happened in the UK when he was 19, and the girl was 12. The sex was consentual, but in the UK sex with a minor is always considered rape, because a 12-year old is never considered mature enough to consent to sex. He served his sentence partly in the UK, then was transferred to the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, consentual sex between a minor and an adult is "fornication" and illegal as well, but the punishment is less than for rape. He is now 30, and has a family. In the interview he says he is a different person than the teenager he was 11 years ago. A grown-up with a family instead of a teenager. The thing that bothered him more than being booed (he says he blocked it out at some point) was that at one point people went to attacking his volleyball partner and his wife and child.

    I can't find the full interview online, but here is an excerpt:

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    ‘Quit Whining’: Nikki Haley Tells Trump To End Attacks On Crowd Sizes And Harris’ Race
  • Nikki Hayley is an opportunist. She sees Trump potentially losing and is shifting herself into a position of plausible deniability. If Trump were doing better she'd be completely on his side like she was when she was his spokeswoman. She knows he won't live until 90 and is positioning herself to become more powerful in the republican party.

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    is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google?
  • The problem with rcs is that it needs to work without a data connection like sms. For that to work, every single mobile operator needs to support it and route it. For that to work they need to work together. The problem is they don't and there are different implementations, some don't support it at all. Even when they do, the phone needs to support it. Google is now at a point where they have rcs capable messaging on every recent Android version. Apple is now also integrating rcs into iOS. They are circumventing the operator problem by enabling rcs over wifi or your subscription data. But that's a workaround, because it requires data, while sms just requires a cellphone signal. Until operators start working together to enable and relay rcs messages, Google and Apple habe the monopoly by having rcs routed directly to their messaging apps over the internet instead of directly to the device like sms does.
