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Safe C++
  • Annnnnnnnnnnnd we’re done. Good luck! I highly recommend you take some time to understand how draft can mean more in the technical space. It might help you in the future when you are discussing things like drafts, specifications, and proposals.

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    Safe C++
  • You said

    This proposal is a new iteration of the language and standard library. It would provide safe language features for preventing such problems existing in the first place.

    Either it’s a draft or it’s a new iteration of the language. Can’t be both.

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    Safe C++
  • Right now, we have to compile the compiler for this ourselves. Pardon my skepticism; I’m not sure this is mature enough.

    Edit: I’m talking about the project not the idea. Sean Baxter has shown up everywhere for awhile talking about this. I think his idea has a ton of maturity. I don’t know that the project itself has enough maturity to mainline yet.

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    Safe C++
  • Where does the document number come from? I can’t find anything about the SG or linked orgs that defines a sequence.

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    What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades
  • Unless you’re at the top, touring and merch have always been the money-makers. Can you provide evidence of this flip? Speaking from 20+ yr in DIY music, I’ve never known a band who wasn’t in big box stores to make anything approaching stable money off records and the bands I know in big box stores aren’t big enough to make much at all off 10% to 20% of a low volume of sales. Bands that are big enough to sell out a stadium are above my scope so I can only guess, say, Metallica made enough off record sales to do dumb shit like sue Napster.

    On the backend I have yet to see a valid reason other than greed for a ticket servicer or artist to gouge prices as high as they go. Ticketmaster has openly talked about how they happily hide higher prices behind service fees for artists too afraid to openly gouge and secretly colludes with artists.

    I don’t have the ability to listen to a video right now

    This is the same as reading a clickbait headline and going off in the wrong direction. Your point is contradicted in the summary of the video and skimming the summary highlights all the things you would need to know.

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    Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming
  • I have heard the same rhetoric about IDEs, autocomplete (Intellisense, Jedi, etc.), DevOps, and frameworks. The kernel of truth across all of them is the separation between a dev and good dev. It is getting easier and easier to have something built for you using AI in your IDE in a framework that abstracts all the things away dumped into a prebuilt pipeline that deploys your artifacts for you. A dev can do that. A good dev understands the tools and knows when to dig into things.

    I have yet to see a decrease in the number of good devs I meet even though IDEs slowly replaced text editors (and editors became strong enough to become IDEs). Frameworks have enabled more good devs to focus on business logic. DevOps provides solid guard rails for everything.

    I don’t know if there’s an increase in the number of superficial devs. I haven’t interviewed junior dev candidates in awhile. I do know the market is flooded right now so I’d argue there might be other factors.

    Also overall I do agree with the idea that letting copilot do everything for you means you don’t understand anything. Shit was the same way when cookbooks were common.

  • Jump instance: Sponsors needed
  • $2/mo is pretty close to what Reddit premium was back before they turned the Reddit silver meme into a real thing! That’s a great amount to donate. Don’t sell yourself short.

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • The most frustrating thing about this article is that it completely ignores that good movies targeted at kids still have to be good. Personal complaints aside, the new Mario movie was reasonably good for adults and great for kids. Pixar keeps churning out things that are fantastic on many levels. Bluey is an amazing show that can resonate with kids and parents. I don’t for a minute buy the elitist bullshit of “well you’re not a kid so you can’t comment.” Muppet Treasure Island holds the fuck up as an adult so this writer can fuck right off.

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    We all have a “Jared” at our company #softwaredeveloper - YouTube
  • You’ve turned this into a catch 22. If there were no female characters, you could argue that’s sexist. If the idiotic boss was female, you could argue all of the dumb characters are female so that’s sexist. If Jarod were the only female, that would be sexist.

    How does this sketch get rewritten in such a way that it is not casually sexist?

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    Rulebin didn't die for this
  • Give me concrete examples. You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about so I want to discuss something specific; the agency you’re talking about is actually there and is centered around the core of the script.

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    Rulebin didn't die for this
  • Give me concrete examples. You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about so I want to discuss something specific; the agency you’re talking about is actually there and is centered around the core of the script.

    In your hypothetical where you’ve now decided everyone is just following orders, I can still say the worker did a bad job. You gonna tell me the worker is gonna get fired for not following dumb instructions? Okay. Still did a bad job, orders or not.

    I do not understand why you’re so dead set on telling people critical analysis is bad. Is it morally wrong to like something more than something else? Kinda seems like that way if I can’t ever judge anything because there are constraints outside the control of the thing. I’m not going to attack a straw man here. You should expand on what we can and can’t analyze.

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    Rulebin didn't die for this
  • There’s a difference between a bad script and bad rewrites. Ending of GoT? Bad script, rewrites don’t matter. 2016 Suicide Squad? Arguably a good script with shitty rewrites. Galaxy of Terror? No comment on the scripts but the rewrites fucked it. Justice League? Horrible script and horrible rewrites. I don’t blame the writers of Galaxy of Terror for Corman’s worm rape scene; I do excoriate Whedon for the pile of shit Snyder used to make a worse pile of shit.

    You’re conflating moral standards with film standards. There are standards that people agree on that loosely dictate what we consider good and bad. They can change based on the viewer. The core of a script is what has the opportunity to be butchered and if it’s bad that’s not on the studio, that’s on the writer. Studios don’t hire someone and say “write us a piece of shit” they take something that exists and modify it (unless you’re Neil Breen in which case that’s your goal).

    In your example, I can get frustrated with a grocery worker pushing all of the things to back of the shelf where I can’t reach. That is a fair criticism of their contribution to the inane reshuffling. I’m not saying they’re a bad person because they’re doing the thing they need to do to survive poorly; I’m saying they’re doing a thing poorly. It has no bearing on them as a person. It’s not morally wrong of them to make it impossible for me to get the item I need; it is a shit job though.

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    Rulebin didn't die for this
  • You’re talking about two different things. In general, you should never be disrespectful of anyone because there’s no need to be mean. However, I can definitely criticize a writer for working on something terrible because they wrote it. I can also criticize a studio for releasing it. “Just following orders” doesn’t remove culpability especially when the writing is really fucking bad.

    Please note I’m not talking about this movie because it hasn’t been released yet. I’ve watched a plethora of movies over the last month that had really bad writing.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It’s okay for background noise. It is infuriating to watch. It’s not even slightly funny at a bad movie level of funny. It’s just bad.

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    Git: avoid reset --hard, use reset --keep instead
  • I do not actually understand the use case of —keep over the default —mixed, which I use regularly to restage patches or fuckups. I very frequently use —hard to test something out and blow it away without worrying about any changes. This whole conversation is fascinating because it highlights just how different everyone uses git and equally how bad sweeping generalizations like “—hard is something to avoid” are (without incredibly specific caveats).

    It seems like —keep makes sense if you’re not using stash before trying to change history when you have local, uncommitted changes? That might be why it’s not clicking with me; any time I fuck with history I stash anything local I might want to keep.

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    Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • A single character, per your definition, is not blatant malicious code. Stop moving the goalposts.

    It’s clear you don’t understand the space and you don’t seem to have any interest in acting in good faith based on your other comments so good luck.

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    Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • I mean anything is a good fit for future, science fiction AI if we imagine hard enough.

    What you describe as “blatant malicious code” is probably only things like very specific C&C domains or instruction sets. We already have very efficient string matching tools for those, though, and they don’t burn power at an atrocious rate.

    You’ve given us an example so PoC||GTFO. Major code AI tools like Copilot struggle to explain test files with a variety of styles, skips, and comments, so I think you have your work cut out for you.
